4988 results found
Atera technical support via phone
Not sure if I selected the right category. I believe that you need to offer technical support via phone. It's a vital channel for support, can resolve issues much quicker than chat, and lead to greater customer satisfaction. In fact, my customers demand it, and I completely understand why.
5 votes -
Back up Included in Atera plan
Back ups should be included in Atera.
6 votes -
Laptops report their GPS location to track where inventory is.
Most new laptops have GPS capabilities integrated. It would be great if Atera could collect this information. We would be able to click on an asset and see its location on a map. This would help locate missing inventory and/or track where the asset has been.
14 votes -
Remove all tags from existing tickets
Remove a tag in bulk from all tickets, instead of one at a time
2 votes -
On the customer ticket page, remove new invoice and make it a new ticket. Who cares about invoices when you are creating a ticket?
On the customer ticket page, remove new invoice button and make it a new ticket button. Who cares about invoices when you are creating a ticket?
2 votes -
Teams plugin for customers or engineers to create tickets
Teams plugin for customers or engineers to create tickets from chats. Just a button......
14 votes -
The ability to filter the tickets by status (Resolved/Closed) so that you could bill only the closed tickets.
The ability to filter the tickets by status (Resolved/Closed) so that you could bill only the closed tickets.
2 votes -
7 votes
Add Last Logged User to Software Inventory Report
Please add a column for Last Logged User to the default output of the Software Inventory Report for detailed excel export in the Devices tab.
Right now, I have to export a detailed excel report then go into the customer profile to see the last logged user and manually add them. It is very time consuming, especially if several different software changes were made to several machines between report runs. Having this column added by default would make it alot faster.
This is my very specific request.
4 votes -
Login to Atera with Windows Hello through Auth0 on multiple devices.
Please consider allowing more than 1 device to login to Atera with Windows Hello credentials through Auth0.
18 votes -
Scheduled custom scripts and templates
I switched to Atera from Kaseya VSA. So far I'm loving the simplicity, ease of use, and much more reasonable pricing of Atera in comparison. One of the few things that I do miss about Kaseya VSA, however, was the ability to keep a library of scripts (command prompt, powershell, terminal, etc). They could be organized into folders and subfolders, and had permission based sharing - so you could make specific scripts and folders accessible to everyone, restricted groups (such as employees or managers), or keep it private so only you could access them. Kaseya VSA had a large pre-installed…
6 votes -
Add indicator on ticket that a remote session is active or when the last remote session was held
Either somewhere on the ticket, indicate who is currently viewing the ticket (or who has most recently viewed the ticket) or something indicating a tech is currently remoted to that device. For example, I had an urgent ticket come in and I reached out (via external communication) to a specific tech to address the ticket. By looking at the ticket I can see in he's assigned the ticket to himself and asked the contact for permission to remote to her computer. She responded and now I don't know what is going on (and because they are gold customers and a…
4 votes -
HTTPS Agent installer link
When generating a new agent installer, after selecting the OS and assigning the new agent to a customer, the third step is to download it. Clicking the "Download" button works fine if we want to download the agent installer to the local computer and put it on a flash drive or something. Only problem with that is that there have been many occassions when I need to send the installer via e-mail, and most e-mail services block this file for security purposes, as it is an .exe file. So instead, I need to send a link via e-mail for the…
6 votes -
Option for Template Scripts for Big Installers
First of all, thanks for what you guys do... runs my business, makes my life easier everyday.
I know my suggestion probably sounds off but basically we have plenty of generic EXE installers that would be great to just have the script reference that installer file but have a different argument per. So as an example:
If i want to setup a installed for Trendmicro for my client, i have to upload a 200MB generic MSI file, put in the arguments the info that assigns to a specific client, and then save. Then i have to REDO this for…
2 votes -
Mass add devices from a spreadsheet
When you need to setup many generic devices for monitoring, you should be able to upload a .csv with the required details for each device, which then populates the chosen customer's device portal.
1 vote -
Add Spanish as a language option
Several members of our IT team speak Spanish as their primary language. It would be nice if Spanish was an option for the admin interface.
8 votes -
ticket tagging
Feature request;
1) option to make tagging mandatory when creating a new ticket
2) option to limit the rights to create new tags (only 1 or 2 users can create new tags)
3) option to disable manually typing in tags. (ONLY possible to use drop-down when creating a ticket)2 votes -
Auto Zoom Map
The actual map is totally zoomed out and it would be great, if the map automatically fits to the monitored customers
4 votes -
Restore lost data from Atera
Restore lost data from Atera
1 vote -
Ability to locate a device.
Ability to locate a device.
If we lose a computer would be nice if we could locate it.1 vote
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