74 results found
Penetration Testing
I would like to have Atera perform Penetration Testing on my clients network. And make the reports/alerts available within the standard security testing.
60 votes -
Disable the automatic reconnect
I would like to be able to disable the automatic reconnect if you close your browser without logging out first. With the recent discovery that hackers can steal session cookies to bypass credentiails and mfa this is a huge vulnerability. We just had a client have their session credentials stolen and the hacker was able to access sites which normally require mfa. If this had been a computer with Atera they would have had access to all our clients computers/servers/info
7 votes -
passkey support for bitwarden
Currently Atera does not allow registration of a passkey using the Bitwarden password manager browser extension. The passkey is saved to bitwarden, but immediately after Atea reports the device registration failed with "Device registration error | Atera". Could not attach a screenshot.
4 votes -
Resolve CVEs detected
Expand what the CVE's risks are without having to open a new page and being able to fix these risks especially if they are software related that require an update or open ports that need to be closed not just report the issue.
9 votes -
Configure all SSL/TLS communications to include SNI
The strwinclt.exe process in Windows does not always includes SNI during SSL/TLS negotiation. This breaks SSL decryption exclusions that rely on SNI.
The fix is to set Windows registry key HKEYCURRENTUSER\Software\Splashtop Inc.\Splashtop Remote Client for RMM "EnableSSLSNI"=dword:00000001. This should be the default.
1 vote -
integration with YUBI KEY for 2fa
5 votes -
IPv6 feature for the IP login list
We use the 2FA feature to secure oure logins, but would like to use the IP whitelist feature too. Except this is curently not able with the use of IPv6, we would like too use this feature.
3 votes -
Possibility to restrict API Access from defined IP List
Possibility to restrict API Access from defined IP List in https://app.atera.com/new/admin/security
A simple checkbox can improve security to prevent access from not allowed IPs if api is used for internal purposes only.3 votes -
Export Potential CVEs in XLS Format
Request to add a feature that allows exporting Potential CVEs in XLS file format within the Atera platform.
.Enhanced Analysis and Reporting: Easier sorting, filtering, and visualizing of CVE data in Excel.
.Improved Data Sharing: Streamlined sharing of vulnerability information with team members and stakeholders.
.Better Integration: Seamless integration with existing data processing tools and workflows.Impact:
. Efficiency: Saves time and enhances productivity.
. Accuracy: Reduces errors in manual data handling.
. Accessibility: Facilitates easier access and use of CVE data across departments.This feature will significantly improve the user experience and value of the Atera platform.
4 votes -
Patch Management and IT Automation
Add option to limit a Technician's access to see only specific IT Automation Profiles, depend on his access rights to customers.
2 votes -
Splashtop connection banner
The Splashtop popup in the lower right hand corner, stating someone is remotely monitoring/working on your PC/Server. Can this have an option to leave it visible for the entire remote session. A few customers have asked me (from a security perspective) about this capability as they deal with sensitive data
17 votesCongratulations on helping shape Atera! The feature you requested is currently being considered for development. Please be patient as the process can take a while or even stall to make way for other features. We’ll update you once it’s been implemented and released!
blocking software from launching
It would be great to have to ability to block unauthorized inventoried software from launching. There are installers that does not require administrator rights to install and some of my users have learned that.
4 votes -
Please change the 2FA method. The current one is really bad
Please change the 2FA method. The current one is really bad
7 votes -
Signed Powershell scripts
We were looking into deploying a group policy that restricts running any non signed Powershell scripts in our domain environment. However in our testing we saw that Atera fails to run some of it's built-in scripts for Windows updates and other maintenance tasks when this policy is active.
It would be very helpful if Atera can implement script signing to make the environment more secure.
2 votes -
Can Atera provide the use of multiple passkeys and/or MFA besides the 2 2FA methods available ? By this, it will provide the technician or admins to further secure their accounts and to better manage SSOs.
7 votes -
Admin Audit Logs
Audit logs for terminal connection requests by technicians should include a transcript of the commands, or at the very least create a log locally on the endpoint that can be retrieved/reviewed.
Simply knowing Technician 1 requested a terminal session does not aid in either validating or invalidating issues after a connection was made. Logging on endpoints is not always enabled, collected in a SIEM, or logs are overwritten beyond a certain size/date.
This would allow for IT teams and MSP's to ensure visibility into what commands are being run by who from the Atera platform.
4 votes -
Edit and Export Passwords
The Ability to Edit Existing Stored Passwords is Paramount!
ALso the Ability to Export stored Passwords to .CSV file.These two features should be implemented as they are commonly needed.
1 vote -
Recent processes
We should be able to lock down recent processes by Tech. Our Techs should only be able to see the recent processes from Running Scripts, to those they have ran themselves. Alternately, Tech's should not be able to see when I have run a script against their computers.
1 vote -
ipv6 firewall
in the admin menu there is a possibility to use a whitelist. because we think security is really important we use both 2FA and the ip whitelist.
we miss 2 options:
- the possibility to whitelist IPv6 addresses
- the possibility to ad notes next to every ip-address that is whitelisted. (Like: branch office, datacentre, etc etc.)4 votes -
Atera Hosted SIEM
Atera Hosted SIEM: smaller healthcare clinics, they would like to have the SIEM built in. little agent that is on the computer and its only purpose is to record and checks for vulnerability – makes a record of everything you are doing on the computer (Websites you're going into, connected to the shared, used an app to open), sort of like auditing tool. Something that you can use to catch security breach. It’s becoming more and more important.
7 votes
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