376 results found
Patch management
To be able to schedule Patch management tasks, this would be useful for Mac devices that require Upgrade patches to be run via Patch management instead of IT Automation profiles.
This workaround is useful for Mac devices that are offline, in order to help automate pushing Upgrade patches
62 votes -
MS Office Updates
MS Office patches not listed as an available update.
Please enable the ability to show available/installed Office patches.736 votesNice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
Windows update roll back
It would be great to have a feature to allow for Microsoft patch roll back built into the product. This would be great when Microsoft puts out a patch that does not function as expected and thus affecting machine performance and/or non-functioning.
Every product that I have used in the past offers this feature.
109 votes -
Software Patches on Patch Management
We now have the Patch Management Page on Atera, which is useful but it would be great if there were a tab within that for Software Patches, as we can already see something similar looking per device.
13 votes -
With scripts to be able to have "helper files" to be able to upload with the msi files
Under Scripts you have the option to be able to upload an MSI file but no helper files. we have software that required a .txt licensing filing and would be helpful to be able to add that feature as well as automatically with all scripts to run /quiet /qn /norestart with all MSIs
5 votes -
Patch Management must follow policies set for the reporting and status to be useful
It is great that there is a column in devices that will show all patches available.
But that is less important than having a column and patch mangement tool that reports relevant patches that are required to meet my organizations patch standards. This information has been provided to the system by my Automation and Patching Polices. Yet the Patch Management panel and the Patches Available column indevices do not reflect this.This makes the the patches available column not useful at all unless you just want to see what is available for that given end point according to the MS…
4 votes -
Deploy MSI File if it's not installed
When deploying a MSI file through Atera using IT Automations, I need an option where Atera checks if the software isn't already installed before deploying it. I'm currently forced to update all of my servers everyday whether it's needed or not.
3 votes -
Delete tasks scheduled for offline devices
The ability to remove scheduled tasks for devices that were offline when the task was run. e.g. If you push out an update that caused a problem, it would be nice to be able to remove the scheduled update (that will run when the device comes online) if you know it will cause an issue.
4 votes -
Enable a higher-level select all and Install option, similar to the Reboot feature.
In the Devices view in Patch Management, enable select all and install, similar to the Reboot feature. It is tedious and time consuming to review and apply updates individually.
2 votes -
View drop-down selection box for customers in Patch Management
In the patch management screen, could someone look into establishing a view drop-down feature so I don't have to back to patch management main screen and then reselect the customers I was looking at? That way I can create multiple views for the customers as needed.
3 votes -
I think it would be usefull to have the Patching Status exclude agents that do not have a an Automation Profile attached.
I think it would be usefull to have the Patching Status exclude agents that do not have a an Automation Profile attached. I have lots of agents where the end user does not want to pay for device management so I don't apply any automation to the agents.
3 votes -
Windows and 3rd party patch scanning
It would be nice to be able to manually scan for Windows updates, 3rd party patches and inventory via a button for bulk or single endpoint. Currently you have to wait or reboot an endpoint for atera to update patches/inventory and status.
2 votes -
Exclude Clients from Patch Management Portal
We have some clients that don't want any patch management. This is fine as we can exclude their devices from any Automation / Patching profiles. However, their devices still populate the new Patch Management portal.
It would be ideal to be able to exclude clients, folders, or individual machines from the Patch Management portal. This would give a more accurate number of machines requiring patches etc.
2 votes -
UAC contorol for PC
The situation is sometimes clients download free software from the internet which might contain malware, to stop this, I am suggesting a feature in the Atera agent for controlling the UAC of the client. So whenever a client needs UAC admin access, The agent blocks him and in real-time notifies the technician about the authorisation request to approve/deny. If the technician approves the request, the Agent should autofill the Admin password which can be set from the Atera dashboard, and give the client access. If the technician denies it, the message should go to the client of admin denied and…
14 votes -
Upload Files for Powershell Deployemt
Some RMMs allow for uploading of a file that can be deployed to an agent if the vendor does not provide a link to install. Is this possible?
1 vote -
Run script against a list
Would like to be able to input a list of servers and run Scripts against that list. It is otherwise tedious to go thru each server individually to run the scripts otherwise.
1 vote -
Various functions are missing for MacOS
Dear community, I pay extra for MacOS support and am very disappointed that many functions are still not available for MacOS. In particular, I can run scripts, but I cannot define thresholds based on this script.
It would also be important to me to have granular patch management for updates, i.e. sorted by third-party provider or manufacturer as well as severity of the updates.
As MacOS support costs extra, all functions that are available for Windows should also be available for Macs.
1 vote -
Patch management
I would love a button - connect - in the devices under patch management.
Often I would like to know if the PC/Device is free to reboot and a quickview, without loosing the client by clicking would be great.2 votes -
patch managment
New Patch Management menu has filtering options , saving filtering options as a profile will be great
2 votes -
Patch pre download
Pre Patch Download. It would be nice if you could schedule the download of patches prior to the patch profile running. Some updates are large and this can greatly increase time to run patching. An option to download the patches prior to the patch installation would help improve readiness of patching and avoid conflicts with other scheduled tasks.
10 votes
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