Patch Management must follow policies set for the reporting and status to be useful
It is great that there is a column in devices that will show all patches available.
But that is less important than having a column and patch mangement tool that reports relevant patches that are required to meet my organizations patch standards. This information has been provided to the system by my Automation and Patching Polices. Yet the Patch Management panel and the Patches Available column indevices do not reflect this.
This makes the the patches available column not useful at all unless you just want to see what is available for that given end point according to the MS database.
It makes the Patch Management reporting and panel completely irrelevant. It will always report a close to zero percent of end-points being completely updated when compared with all available drivers for a given system.
I don't need compliance tool that compares to everything in the world that is available. I need one that compares to the standards I set. eg. I don't want hw driver updates in the tally at all, unless I safelist that specific update to be required in my environment for the device to be considered meeting my standard.
I had an conversation with Tudor in support about this and they pushed me to list it here.
I appreciate the effort in the new panel, but it's only half done for it to be useful for anyone who actually wants to use it to gauge how many systems are "up to date". We don't have time to validate a handful of driver updates every week in a testing lab for every configuration. These systems need to be considered "up to date" in our organization reporting and tools because we don't touch hw drivers unless they break something or are a security problem.
I propose a new device column "Patches to Meet Compliance", and that the Patch Management report/status panel be re-worked to consider the policies set in Automation and Patch Management.

Mike Roy commented
Atera, reach out if you want more explanation or to discuss the feature.