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  1. Expanding on earlier idea would be good to have the following:
    In Role Permissions:
    Build on to Desktop Remote Management and Server Remote Management but have a new item:
    Server Remote Access - Toggle remote access on or off for Servers.

    This way we can have a tech monitoring servers and running scripts we have made but make the tech assigned to role unable to remote into servers (Think L1 or L2 tech).
    Speaking of scripts, before "Manage Scripts" have a toggle to:
    "View Scripts" - on and off so that we can assign L1 or L2 tech the ability…

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  2. Huntress is increasingly a go-to service for MSPs of all sizes looking to buttress their security stack. It works alongside any AV, and has special integrations with Windows Defender. Please consider joining the likes of: Autotask PSA, ConnectWise Manage, Kaseya BMS and Syncro PSA.

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  3. It would be great if the Ticket Title could be added to the Ticket Timer at the top so that when it is easy to see which ticket the timer is for.

    Currently it only shows Ticket number and the time accumulated.

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  4. When hovering over a ticket, it would be helpful to see number of hours applied to the ticket without having to click into it.

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  5. Ticket list shows title as "#1234 Ticket Title".
    Open ticket shows title as "#1234 Ticket Title".
    But search result shows as "Ticket Title #1234", search should instead show "#1234 Ticket Title".

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  6. Could it be possible to run a script against an API.

    We use a 3rd party helpdesk it will be good to use the helpdesk to call the API to run a sctipt. The 3rd party desk already grabs the machine details you see so we would like to run a script against it

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  7. subsequently change the type on the device WITHOUT creating the entire device or devices again.

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  8. To get a report of the helpdesk agent to see if it's already active or not.

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    0 comments  ·  Helpdesk Agent  ·  Admin →
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  9. Problem:
    Currently it is possible to use a graph to display the CPU usage and memory usage.
    I would like to also monitor the network traffic on the server to better understand how much data is going in and out. This can help to investigate on potential issues especially on server.

    Make it possible to monitor the traffic on a specific agent and display it in an extra graph showing inbound/ outbound traffic per timeframe and in total (E.g. 150GB within the last 24 hours).

    This will help to identify peak times on that server from network perspective…

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  10. It would be very useful to have a section where you can generate and save network diagrams, SIR plans, network security configuration etc...
    Perhaps providing documentation templates or a way for users to share document samples and templates.

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  11. Multiple devices can be accessible/assigned to a single user


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  12. When adding a ticket rather than just "add" the ticket, could we get another option to "add and resolve". This helps when entering tickets after the fact, we would not have to go back in and resolve...

    Thanks, Phil

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  13. It will be great if we can add printer, network devices, etc.. to the portal with live status. Please comment if we have that option already

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  14. Recent process under Report tab is not generating report other than yesterday's date, this was working before the recent update.

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  15. When we see the ticket status all look similar and I'm facing difficulty to understand ticket status. I recommend, for new ticket and Waiting for Technicians response status shows more brighter with red color, so that we can easily understand.

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  16. We have recently being having issues where when servers reboot for Windows updates the Atera service doe snot start up in a timely manner, this results in constant alerts for the servers and unable to access them to resolve this issue.

    We set the startup type of the agent to "Automatic (Delayed Start)" however when the service is started again it appears to overwrite this setting and reverts to simply "Automatic" which means we are back to square one.

    I appreciate that other Atera users prefer the Automatic startup type for speed however for us it is simply not reliable…

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  17. Recently Atera has added the ability to create custom ticket status, and also change the Ticket Activity Status manually. However I would like to create our own custom ticket activity status' beyond the "Read" "unread" "Awaiting customer response" "Awaiting Technician Response".

    Personally I find the coloured labels much easier to identify what the status of a ticket is, so being able to add Activity status' like "Pending Third Party" or "Booked in" will make it much easier to see what tickets I don't need to look at with a quick glance.

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  18. CCleaner would be a great addition!

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  19. Would like to be able to have the new look option be per user instead of global so each user can use the look they prefer.

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  20. When a user is given work from home access IT needs to send them this incredibly long URL in order to access their PC. The real idea of work from home is that a user can access their computer from anywhere. If they are on a shared computer it is easy to remember Users should be allowed to log into this shorter URL and then should be presented with the computer or computers that they can access. OR if they only have one computer it should take them directly from the login page to their computer.

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