Edit Ticket Notes
Please add the ability to edit and delete internal notes.

Nice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
Oliver Hollinger commented
Any updates regarding this? It would be really nice to be able to edit at least internal notes.
Robert commented
This really hasn't been implemented after nearly 3 years from the initial suggestion? It's a simple edit feature that has been commonplace since the early 2000's and is present in every single ticketing competitor on the market... the fact that we even have to vote on this is laughable. Big red flag for Atera, certainly second guessing this software now.
DeAnna Birdsall commented
Ability to edit either Public or Internal. Often times I have hit send and realize I have a glaring typo. I would like to be able to quickly fix the typo.
Désirée Mellen-Bard commented
I understand not being able to edit an external reply after sending it because it's an email that's been sent to a client, but I'd really like to be able to edit an internal note after it's been posted in case more information has come to light and I don't want to bury my previous internal note.
A footer on the internal note saying that it was edited and the date and time would be good too.
Beverly Malloch commented
I literally want to move to a different ticketing system because of this.
Tyler Balega commented
Need a feature to edit internal notes and delete internal notes.
Nathaniel Kemmer commented
I would like to add my support for this as well. Coming from ConnectWise, we edit almost every note that gets put through the system.
admin AGITEL commented
This is a really important point to be able to edit or delete internal notes. I'm surprised this feature is waiting since 2021
Shlomo Twersky commented
Please add the ability to delete a public comment on tickets, or to move them to be an internal note.
When replying to a ticket, we want to choose how much of the original conversation is included in the ticket.
Shlomo Twersky commented
It's very important to have the ability to choose which part of the email chain you want to send out.
Michael Sokoloff commented
On the Customer, Contact and Devices pages can a Notes section be added to the list of tabs across the top. Can the notes section have more space and the ability to add multiple notes and links. Edit / Delete is a must. It would also be great to have notes on the Devices page to place notes like (Located in the hall closet) or (Fan replaced on xx/xx/xxxx) as an example.
Connor Snaith commented
The ability to delete internal/public notes for admins
Dennis Schraa | Digisens commented
Would like to have the possibility to edit an internal note.
Sometimes we forget the add something, it would be lovely to edit the internal note. -
IT Experts commented
Today I entered a ticket internal note and realized there was wrong information because of copy/paste. I was shocked to see that there is no way to EDIT nor DELETE the note. I now have to add *another* note with the updated information, hoping no one will look at the bad one and not see the updated one.
Please implement this, this is a must have!
Aaron Schacht commented
Perhaps make it a setting to enable the editing of ticket notes, in case some admins want to lock down that ability. Or fine-tune to only allow editing one's own notes, or selected contacts. ALSO, the formatting in ticket notes is quirky at best and not really WYSIWYG - there is too much spacing between lines, or too little, even after adjusting line heights.
Johnathon Bachran commented
This is very important for an IT business. I need techs to be able to make notes in a ticket and add/update to them. When a tech is onsite working on many issues and upgrades over course of a day, they will constantly need to add tasks/request/updates/tests to the notes. Making a new note when ever you need to note something down is a huge inconvenience to anyone that needs to read them.
The 3 other RMMs I have looked at all have this as a feature, this seems to be a standard requirement for a ticketing system.
Charles-Eric Haché commented
It should be a critical feature to be able to edit internal notes.
Someone just made a mistake here and it's a pain to have a new note added to fix a single word.
Can we provide an update on this? -
Gareth Whitcombe commented
This is a really simple idea and one that is needed as soon as possible, can the product team update us on if this is going to be implemented?
Jairo Gonzalez commented
Be able to edit your Public reply or Internal Note.
Nick Medeiros commented
internal notes editable , separated box for proper notes no bad email chain notes.