4988 results found
exactonline.nl is a populair accounting software in NL2 votes -
Hide certain contracts from tickets
Would like to hide certain contracts so for ex. a flat-fee contract is not visible under a customer.
We use some flat-fee contracts to bill the customer for example a server per month.,
2 votes -
New Ticket to Open in a New Tab
When you make a new ticket allow the ticket to open in a new tab straight away so you don't have to then search for it have an advanced search feature where you can search a particular customer for tickets
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Ability to Change Name of Agents on Clicking on It
Change name directly agent when clicking on it.
2 votes -
Change Presets Alerts from Critical To Information
On presets alerts, ability to change from critical to information.
2 votes -
Add info about time in tickets
Could you please add the full date/time of the ticket (created/modified) on ticket's listing and on ticket detailed view ?
2 votes -
Alerte Expiration contrat : 3 mois
Il serait utile de pouvoir configurer la durée d'alerte d'expiration des contrats à 3 mois (actuellement 2 mois maximum). Car pour respecter le délai légale d'information (hause des tarifs par exemple) auprès des clients, mon avocat m'informe que le délai est de 3 mois avant (et non 2 mois). La fonction existant déjà, je ne pense pas qu'il soit très difficile d'ajouter la proposition 3 mois ? ;) Merci par avance !
2 votes -
remove reasign option for technicians
Create new role/permission to remove reassignment of tickets between technicians. only admin must be able to reassign
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open in new ribbon
often there are reports or popups like "monitored devices" of agents (example: if a device does do a generic check of an access point and so on) where you see lot's of devices which include an open link to them.
then it would nice to have an option box "open in new ribbon". so if not ticked then clicking onto this should open in the same ribbon, but if ticket the device should open in a new ribbon.but this could be done as a personal general setting too. means "always open device links in new ribbon".
example: i am…
2 votes -
Raw Data Exports
I would love the ability to export all my customers and devices into one big spreadsheet that I can then manipulate and create my own reports from. Maybe this is doable via API but that's outside my realm of knowledge. The last few RMMs I've used have all had something similar to this so it seems like it should be a pretty standard feature.
2 votes -
The agent program would need to be equipped with a watchdog process. It typically breaks down regularly in an undersized environment on a memory weak client machine. If the program has not communicated for 1 day, restart it automatically.
2 votes -
Export HTML reports
It will be nice to be able to send our customers a report in a way that they can zoom in or collapse different features. For example the "Agent Health Report", the customer will receive a weekly report and will be able to zoom in the Memory and CPU graph.
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Pin Systems
The ability to pin most used systems to the top of the customer's device list. This would be very convenient.
2 votes -
Agile Blue
Monitor and Detect Threats before they attack your network infrastructure or systems.
2 votesNice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
Correct the field order on sign-in
Have you noticed that the fields are reversed on the sign-in dialog? That one has to check the 'Keep me logged in' box first, so it should be on top, and then fill in the TFA code, so it should be on the bottom?
2 votesNice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
PDF Preview Window
It would be nice for attachments to have a preview window for common file types such as, .PDF, .docx, etc
1 vote -
Better role selection in profile assignment
Currently when assigning a patch management automation profile - you can't select required folders across all customers, it has to be done manually per customer which can become quite tedious.
Would be good to filter by folder name i.e. all 'workstations' or all 'servers' across all customers.
1 vote -
log in type preference
Please add a check box to set a preferred login method. It is cumbersome to have to repeatedly select password and token when logging in.
1 vote -
Create a specific alert
The ability to create an alert for any time frame that will notify the team whether that be via email or a ticket to the helpdesk.
The example im working on currently is licencing however it could have a number of Utilisations
1 vote -
File storage to upload "loose" files
File storage to upload "loose" files which can be downloaded to the endpoints and run together with scripts.
Example: I need to push out a script to all devices which reads data from a config file.
How do I get the config file to all computers and THEN have the script consume it?
If there was a file repository, we could upload the config file, and then setup an automation which will include the file(s) and the script required and push the whole thing as a "configuration".
1 vote
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