4994 results found
Create alert when agent is not able to connect to Windows Update Server
If the agent is not able to collect data from Windows Update to check the update status, or the agent is unable to download the updates (both due to network problems at the client, proxy settings as example), the agent will not see any new update, so the device is displayed as "up to date" in the dashboard.
Please set an alert, when the agent is not able to pull windows update information or the updates itself, and why (you may have an exception which you could forward to the alert).
1 vote -
OnCustomer Site API Value
OnCustomer Site API Value: dropdown to select True or False for OnCustomerSite
1 vote -
Move Network Discovery and Work From home back to add ons
Move Network Discovery and Work from home to the add-ons drop down.
6 votes -
Kaspersky integration
Kaspersky integration would be great. Done a lot of research on virus and ransomware protection and Webroot just doesn't cut it compared to others. Kaspersky the leader.
6 votes -
Support Automation Profile on Unassigned
Would be convenient if we could assign automation profiles on the Unassigned folder for customers. It's just not doable to move every single new agent from Unassigned to a different folder just so you can differentiate between servers and PC's/laptops.
2 votes -
weather radar
An option to add (perhaps in place of the default map) a live weather radar map, to assist in tracking severe weather events that could impact performance or status at a customer site.
9 votesNice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
email address to be included in the quickbooks intergration
It is essential that the integration with quickbooks brings across the email contact details for a client as this is where an invoice will be sent via quickbooks. It should also mean that it is easier to then view the main email contact details of the customer on the Atera platform
4 votes -
It would be nice to be able to import passwords from an existing or create-able CSV list. Most of my business customers who use passwords combined with or without 2FA often "lose" passwords. Being able to import this list would / could save an enormous amount of data entry time.
6 votes -
Device Update with unique ID
Hello, could we imagine an update of the device part by unique id ? (example : mac address? If the mac address is already present, the agent retrieves the information from the previous device. This would allow it to preserve the history, limit the number of duplicates following a relocation or a name change. Thank you. (The removal function of agents not connected since X is difficult to use in my case, we have portable workstations that can stay outside for several months without returning to the office, I do not want to lose control of these workstations). Cordially
2 votes -
Customize interval for Threshold exceed alerts
Customized interval for Threshold exceeded alerts as with current setting it will send emails in every 10 minutes if a threshold exceeded and which can create floods of emails with such notifications .
Looking for an option to increase this time from 10 minutes to a higher value or to have a customize option to increase this value
2 votes -
Increase 3rd Party Patch Library Regardless of Install Source
Currently you only offer 17 third party apps for patching. Competitors have many more and without the need for the software to be installed via Chocolaty. Please consider increasing this library.
10 votesHello, Thanks so much for submitting your idea!
We have recently increased our software repository and the list can be viewed in our knowledge base article: https://support.atera.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015462840-Automate-software-patching
If you have any additional requests, please drop them in the feature or reach out to the team.
Thank you.
Customer/Device Group Feature
Add feature to group several customers and/or devices.
Also, add feature to apply a threshold profile or running a script on a group.Just one example: Group that contains all servers, so I can apply a threshold profile or run a script on all servers at once.
14 votesNice! The feature you requested is being considered for development. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
In add to i nvoice is useful to add proforma for customer.
1 vote -
Threshold Profile or Monitoring of GPU
In some cases, it would be nice to have the possibility to monitor the Performance and Temperatur of the GPU.
In spacial when users are CAD users and there is a high performance GPU inside.4 votes -
new contact
When onboarding a new user, it's very convenient to open the Helpdesk agent and use that to create a new contact.
It would be an improvement if there was an option to automatically assign that new contact to the customer and/or device when using the agent to create that new contact, rather than having to go to the new contact, change customer, and then assign the device manually.
5 votes -
Quickbooks Time
Quickbooks Time integration within Atera web/mobile platform.
Quickbooks Time is already a well established time tracking software that directly inputs time into Quickbooks (Online and Desktop), and accounts for other legal time tracking requirements such as state overtime laws, auditing of time editing/entry, location tracking, ect.
They have an API to allow for integration into other platforms like Atera. Being able to do a start/stop timer with Quickbooks Time and that time being already tied to Quickbooks Payroll, will ensure that employees accurately track their time on tickets. This also means that employees tracking their time do not have to…
14 votesNice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
DNS Addresses show under IP Address for Device
Have DNS Addresses show under IP Address for Devices. Would be pretty handy in a lot of situations. It's always DNS!
16 votesNice! The feature you requested is being considered for development. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
TAX on billing update
To be able to have a section on the invoice where example;
Total for a item to be able to extract the 10% tax so on the right hand of the invoice will show we charged $100 for a item and the system will auto show on the right the amount in tax and not without us having to do the total part of the invoice and gets added on top.
1 vote -
For Tickets, put another ADD button near the top
After entering the ticket title I'm having to scroll down the screen to click ADD. There would be a slight improvement in performance to put another ADD button near the top of the page.
1 vote -
send alerts to customer
The ability to send alerts to the customer So they are kept in the loop aswell.
1 vote
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