340 results found
Apple silicon native AteraAgent
Seeing as how Apple has transitioned their entire computer product line away from Intel CPUs to their own "silicon-on-chip" M-series CPUs between late 2020 and mid 2023 and that many vendors (Microsoft, Google, Splashtop, TeamViewer, Sentinel One) have released "Apple native" binaries for their agents and frameworks, isn't it time for Atera to follow suit and stop relying on Apple's legacy binary support through Rosetta?
15 votes -
Live screenshot of device to see user activity
The ability to silently take a live screenshot of a device to see user activity to determine if free
401 votesNice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
Network traffic monitor
I would like to request a web access monitoring feature at stations. My idea is that the websites accessed at each device are recorded for future consultation or possible audits.
6 votes -
Export all BitLocker keys via the API
In light of the CrowdStrike issues late last week, I feel that it's critical that we be able to export all of the BitLocker keys via the API.
It's not a workable solution to have to open each agent and unhide the key to copy it into a spreadsheet.
The BitLocker keys should be available via the Agents "GET" command.
18 votes -
Alert when agent uninstalled
Receive a ticket when an agent is uninstalled - as the agent does not have a password to uninstall, it would be good to know if the agent is accidentally removed by someone, deliberate or accidentally.
If the password feature is under development, an option to receive an alert upon commencement of removal would be tremendous!
1,462 votesHello, Thanks so much for submitting your idea! It’s currently under review by our product team, and should a decision be reached to develop it, we’ll keep you in the loop!
For the "Atera Agent uninstall prevention" add an "Uninstallation Code" to Prevent Local Admins from Removing Agent
For the "Atera Agent uninstall prevention" please consider adding an "Uninstallation Code" to Prevent Local Admins from Removing the Atera Agent. This is done for many Agents in other products (Like KACE or Carbon Black agents, for example) to prevent Local Admins from removing these reporting Agents without IT Approval. Please heavily consider this as some environments have Local Admins.
27 votes -
Identify double agent
Quickly merge or identify agents with the same S/N or netbiosname to remove duplicates in the console
30 votes -
Possibility to manual deactivation of agents without deletion
It would be extremely helpful if Atera offered the opportunity to manually deactivate agents without deleting it completely from the system. There are often devices that are retired or temporarily inactive, but the data of which we still need for documentation or reporting purposes. At the moment, however, we only have the option of leaving them in the system, which means that they are still shown in reports and in patch management-which leads to confusion and unnecessary notifications.
Archiving: Devices that are no longer used actively are to be archived without being completely removed. In this way, historical data…
5 votes -
Hiding Atera, Anydesk or splashtop Icons in system tray
I would like to be able to hide the system tray icons for Atera, anydesk or splashtop. We had a user uninstall it and it caused problems trying to connect to and manage their system
62 votes -
Need a better way to uninstall Atera agent remotely
When preventing Atera agent uninstall, support informed me that running powershell command to uninstall Atera agent is the only option. Pushing the uninstallation from the console should be enabled
16 votes -
Give us to change/select the date Format like: DD/MM/YY In Costum date fields
Give us the option to change/select the date Format like: DD/MM/YY In Costum date fields .
4 votes -
Network Traffic Monitor
I would like to request a web access monitoring feature at stations. My idea is that the websites accessed at each device are recorded for future consultation or possible audits.
2 votes -
HTTP / HTTPs Admin Portals for Devices
We should be able to create a tunnel through an atera agent that allows us to administrative access an internal HTTP / HTTPs website for devices like
- Firewalls
- Printers
- Access Points
- Cameras
basically anything that you do not want to open up to the world but would like to admin without first logging into a server using splashtop or something else
73 votes -
Atera Uninstall
The ability to enable Atera Uninstall, per device. Our only option at this point is a global setting that affects all devices.
2 votes -
Detailed Metrics for last hour or last 4 hours
We now have access to Metrics "Last 24 hours", "Last week" and "Last month".
But now i have customer, says it has issues for the last hour.
I cannot trace detailed information for the last hour.
It would be beneficial to see detailed information of the last hour/4 hours. That could give more insight to locate an live issue.
Information which programs used those resources.Sometimes we receive e-mail that indicated high cpu and which programs where using those resources, so Atera has already something that has access to this information, it is only not viewable in the portal.
2 votes -
Script-based custom fields for all plans not only super power
We need to be able to store value from scripts on custom fileds for all plans or at least mid tier plans.
I understand that this is locked down to only super power but if you look around you'll see everyone else has this across all the plans.
What's the point of having this developed for the high end plan?
4 votes -
Create an alert when a BSOD occurs with minidump information.
22 votes -
Ability to log off user from device
RMM tools usually have the ability to log off users from a device that may be experiencing issues - this greatly solves a lot of temporary issues avoiding rebooting and interrupting other services that may be running on that endpoint.
I see the ability to see logged in users but there are no options from there.
I would expect the basic ability to log off said users that are logged in from any type.
The Task Manager Feature should have this feature if not the user activity section.
Looking forward to feedback!
1 vote -
PC Log Analysis using AI
Currently, I have to remote connect to a PC to export the Application and Security logs to a CSV file. Then, I upload these CSV files into ChatGPT (or another AI system) for them to read and let me know if there is a problem with the PC and how to repair it. Atera has no way to export the log files; it can only view them.
It would be great if Atera could have an "AI Analyze" function. With one press, the AI would automatically read all the log files from a PC and report any issues and how…1 vote -
I am coming from Logmein Central and GotoResolve and they both had an icon in the systray to show they were running (green icon). Could we please get an option to have a systray icon if we wanted it?
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?