Alert when agent uninstalled
Receive a ticket when an agent is uninstalled - as the agent does not have a password to uninstall, it would be good to know if the agent is accidentally removed by someone, deliberate or accidentally.
If the password feature is under development, an option to receive an alert upon commencement of removal would be tremendous!

Hello, Thanks so much for submitting your idea! It’s currently under review by our product team, and should a decision be reached to develop it, we’ll keep you in the loop!
Shefftel Miller commented
I also find that The Atera Agent just "Drops" (WITHOUT being uninstalled) and the device goes Offline until The Agent is reinstalled... This very often goes unnoticed for a while, and then, when support is needed, there's a mad dash to reinstall it.
(Sometimes through Teamviewer or the like) -
Ben Solomon commented
Even just an alert would better than nothing :)
Mehran Ajaz commented
Is there an update on this?
Support Team commented
we just had a local IT uninstall over 200 agents and then tried to come after us for overcharging them, it would be great if there was a report at least that we could see the number of installed agents on a per month basis
jack gonzalez commented
Hi Atera - uninstall agent restriction is a basic standard feature on your competitor.
Users should not be able to uninstall agent. Given this thread is from August 2022, it seems it's not important to Atera and it makes it hard to manage assets if people uninstalls agent so I will not user Atera if this is not enabled. -
Will Martin commented
I think also it should by default install as an un-terminable task.
Syazwan Ismail commented
I support this, but it would be better if Atera agent enabled with Tampered Password Protection. Meaning user cannot uninstall without password, there is already idea submitted for the password enablement on atera agent uninstallation. +1 vote