Custom Icons on devices
Add 4 new boxes next to the status boxes for each device that can be set with or without an integration. There should be one for Webroot or Bitdefender, or any other AV that someone might use, another box should be for Backup Software like MSP360 or vendors choice, and two more boxes for whatever package the MSP offers. This would make it much easier to just look at client devices and at a glance see what software is on which device. We use Threatlocker as well, and DNSFilter.
My four boxes would be Webroot, MSP360, ThreatLocker & DNSFilter.
Currently I have to search to see what is installed where. It would be great if there were integrations to show this, but even a manual setting would let us keep track of these things.
With webroot when we install is from Atera we have no way of knowing if it installed without running reports, going into the device or checking in Webroot. These four icons would make it much easier to see what is installed where for an entire client.