45 results found
Domain Expiration Tracking
I am looking at my Hudu and wondering if I really need it. I use it for knowledgebase for instructional procedures and tasks. As I work in Atera, I can use the knowledgebase for the same purpose. For tasks, I can create scheduled tickets. The only thing that Hudu has that Atera does not is the Expirations feature. You enter the client domain and it automatically looks at the domain records and ssl, and tracks when they expire. You can also set an alert to remind you 30 days, 7 days, etc.
8 votes -
Project Management
I would like to suggest that Atera implement a project management tab to be able to track hours and add deliverables from asset management. This would make it so we only need to use one platform for all our PSA needs.
11 votes -
Introduce new message/text formatting to the Quick Reply Templates
The new message/text formatting has been applied to user signatures and the new ticket UI. Please can you now add this to the Quick reply templates.
The issue is that we have old text formatting from the Quick Reply Templates applying and I have to manually change the formatting for each Public Reply.
3 votes -
Sound and Notification for Replies
It would be very nice if we could get a sound and/or popup notifications when someone responds to a ticket or starts a chat.
20 votes -
Password Box Display for Long Passwords
In the passwords section, the password box currently truncates longer passwords, so the full password may not be visible.
2 votes -
Move all monitored devices by one click onto another device
We do monitor a lot of network devices by one server in each customer network. When that hardware will be replaced we have to move the monitored devices onto the new hardware server/agent. it would be very handy to move all monitored devices via bulk from on server to another one... and not one by one...
6 votes -
Merging tickets should merge cc'd recipients
Scenario: we have two tickets: Ticket A, and a duplicate, Ticket B. Before realizing they were duplicates, tech responds to Ticket B and add's cc recipients. After realizing the tickets are duplicates, Ticket B is merged into Ticket A. The cc'd recipients on Ticket B should also merge into Ticket A
I found in Support Request #451828 that it is the designed behavior to drop CC'd recipients from Ticket B when merged with Ticket A. It would be much more useful if this behavior was the opposite; allowing a more fluid ticket conversation that is not disrupted by the merge…
7 votes -
every work on one project on ten tabs in windows well now you can simplify the process
consolidated tabs button
3 votes -
Retention Time for Deinstallations by Software Report
Why there is no retention time in the popup for mass deinstallations (or single deinstallations) which i can do at the report for the software inventory? that would be really needed because often we need to deinstall a product on all devices of a customer and at the moment only can do this if they are online. have a retention time this generally is a "fire and forget" thing if you know what i mean...
3 votes -
SLA to work with Tickets based on Customers Contract SLA
When a Support Agent takes a phone call and opens a ticket for a specific client we should be able to see how long we have to fix this ticket.
Some clients might pay a large amount of money on a monthly basis and wants everything included.
So when an agent opens a ticket over the phone it does add the SLA ONLY IF it is set to hourly rate - not managed with monthly fee I cant see the option to select the Contract which they are actually on.
But if the customer opens a ticket from the helpdesk…
3 votes -
Discord Server
While Discord servers are often associated to "gaming," it's also a rapidly growing platform for PSAs, general chat and communication (you can create threads for ideas, and general communication(s) between customers), and host events as it has capabilities for voice chat, as well as video chat and streaming.
A good few competitors have it, and seeing as (in my humble opinion) Atera is more of the "cool kid" than (and I'll "our") our competitors, it would just be a great opportunity.
3 votes -
Ability for ticket automation rules to ignore "Out of Office" replies
I've seen this capability in other PSA's we demo'd before choosing Atera - honestly I was surprised Atera did not have this feature - even the freebie helpdesks have accommodated for this.
It would be great for the ticketing system to have the ability to ignore out of office replies - discard them like they never came through.
I've typically seen this as an option to ignore emails based on a regex string for the Subject; something like this has worked for us with previous ticketing systems:
([Oo]ut of( the)? [Oo]ffice)|([Aa]uto(matic)?[- ]?[Rr]eply)
Thanks for considering!
7 votes -
Documentation Management
Are you struggling to keep track of your customers info (i.e., files, addresses, passwords)? Interested in a documentation management integration?
1,239 votes -
Employee Onboarding/Offboarding Feature
A feature for onboarding and offboarding your customers employees, including functionalities such as administering permissions.
853 votes -
Ticket automation rules : Add a "TEST" button
When building the criterias of a ticket automation, it would be most helpful to have a "TEST" button to find out which tickets are being captured by the filters we built to make sure it is working as expected.
Also it would be helpful to see what "changes would have been made" if the rule was turned on.
So a press on the "TEST" button would display something like:
Ticket #1234: change status to "Closed", email blah@company.com
Ticket #1256: change status to "Closed", email blip@company.cometc.
17 votes -
Schedule Uninstalls from software inventory reports
1 vote -
Subject/Title conditions, CC email action capability in ticket automation rules
I really like what you've done so far with the ticket automation rules - we've found a lot of use already in the current capabilities.
Could you please consider adding CC: actions to ticket automation? Specifically, the ability to strip CC:'s, and add CC:'s based on conditions.
In our specific scenario:
We have some routine ticket emails for employee changes/terminations that are sent to the helpdesk. All are titled consistently enough where we could build the condition we need to work off of. The ticket email typically contains about 20ish other personnel that do not need to be involved in…2 votes -
Scalable file copy windows
At the moment the file copy window is a fixed size. It means you cant expand the windows to see the full file paths.
Can you make the windows scalable so you can drag open the column widths etc, as at the moment you cannot work out what file path is what if the start of each path is the same.. navigating to a file using that window is so awkward sometimes you cant see where you are going!
4 votes -
Option to Add Splashtop time Session to Time Entries Tickets
Enable option to add the splashtop/anydesk session time connection to time entry in the ticket.
18 votes -
10 votes
- Don't see your idea?