4988 results found
Lineup tickets / requestor advise
When a "requestor" adds a ticket in the system, it is quite very helpful to be advised by the number of already opened tickets in the system , so he/she will know how many cases the technicians have to deal with before start working to theirs.
1 vote -
billing email address
Can we please have a different Billing email address to the primary contact email address?
12 votes -
Generic or branded agent name
Agent should be generic name or allow branding
White Label branding is in nearly all competitors products to allow branding! Atera should also allow customizing and branding or generically displaying the install program name and folder name, as well as in the Apps and Add Remove Program Files.
Instead of “Atera” under Program Files or Program Files (x86), or the Apps and Add Remove Program files use something like "ITSupportAgent" or “CompanyNameSupport” Customers see the Atera program and do not know it and uninstall it. If it was the IT department or service providers name they would recognize it.
14 votes -
API Feature
Is it possible to allow the current API ton include Serial Number, Device Manufacturer, or Device Model.
4 votes -
Text box drag to enlarge
I don't like how the text box, when typing notes/replies, has to either be Fullscreen or letterbox style.
I just want to be able to drag the text box to make it longer, rather than have to bounce in and out of Fullscreen.
2 votes -
Add new Custom Asset from Network Discovery
The Network Discovery function is a very powerfull tool. But in complex and not structured scenarios there are lot of "known" devices where it is not possible to manage SNMP configuration or instlla the Agent (ie. Bank credit card readers, Telphone carrier managed routers, Known guests-users' laptops, Fiscal printers, etc..). In these cases shuold be very usefull to select an Unmonitored device and add it as a pre-defined Custom Asset (or Generic) by automatically filling the existing fields (Device type, MAC, Manufacturer, etc..) to monitor on/off line status.
By adding this functionality it will be possible to have a comprehensive…
10 votes -
Permission option to close other tech ticket
Currently there is a permission option to view other technician ticket but there should be an additional permission (on and off) for a technician ability to close tickets that don't belong to them.
SLA, time entry and CSAT are linked with ticket owner and tech should not have the ability to close ticket on behalf of another technician. Only team leader or Admin should have this ability. We want all our tech to view all tickets, as when a customer calls and if the tech is not available, they can provide update to client. But technician should be restricted from…5 votes -
2 votes
System to handle email notifications to copied recipients on tickets, not rely on "Reply All" from email client
No notification sent to copied parties on ticket if primary customer does not use "Reply All" when they respond to a ticket via email or if they delete email recipients from email response.
You cannot rely on the customer to click on "Rely All", if you do and there is another party that needs to be included for example an escalation with their manager or a "cover your butt side", they will not receive the communication reply to the ticket.
I have had a recent incident whereby the primary removed their manager from the "Reply All" email, so it wasn't…
1 vote -
Tray Icon customisation
We should be able to customise menu of the agent tray icon. Also change the language to follow the OS..
36 votes -
Approval for knowledgebase
Have the ability to set approval workflow for articles in knowledge base. Suggested status would be: "For approval", "Approved", "Rejected".
"For approval" and "Rejected" shouldn't be visible in customer knowledge base in customer portal, but "For approval" should be visible in internal knowledge base in Atera, for selected roles. Admin-roles should be able to see everything in Atera.Also be able to set who can approve and who can submit for approval, lets say for internal knowledge base Tier 1 technician can only submit, but admin can approve and reject. For customer knowledge base selected customer end user (preferably IT-manager)…
5 votes -
Automatically install ONLY defender security updates
Automatically install ONLY defender security updates so we can create a patch automation just for this. It would be super handy for clients who don;t have the money to buy paid antivirus and adds value to us as their support solution.
4 votes -
Bitdefender needs to have an uninstall password DURING deployment.
Bitdefender needs to have an uninstall password DURING deployment. I spoke with BitDefender and they said to allow local management and then add the password and then change it back to cloud managed. Not having this functionality in the cloud to set per customer is unacceptable.
4 votes -
6 votes
Make a larger selectable area around the check box
A lot of spurious tickets and alerts get created and are intermingled among legitimate tickets and alerts. Selecting all, although easy, is out of the question. While clicking through several tickets and alerts quickly, the check box is easily missed. The check box size itself is fine, but it would be nice if the hot spot around the check box were larger.
1 vote -
Add double security to advoid delete devices in accidently
Would like to suggest when delete the device prompt asking to key credentials 1 more time to confirm delete it.
Current only have option prompt NO \ YES when delete the device , but some how wrongly click for human error. recommended add the 1 more layer when delete the device prompt key the Atera login password to double confirm remove it.
3 votes -
In Devices Screen add "Notes" Column
Add a column option in the devices list that shows the "Notes" custom field
1 vote -
Download Atera admin app on laptop or PC
Download Atera admin app on laptop or PC
7 votes -
comet backup
Comet Backup integration. Low cost, flexible billing per feature per device. Many cloud storage integrations as well as local storage. Ability to have cloud hosted or self-hosted for those who have their own storage infrastructure and need better control and compliance. Well rounded api. We've been using it for a few years now for our msp clients and it works well in our self-hosted cloud infrastructure.
5 votes -
Provide a UWP app for Intune AutoPilot for MDM and deployments over the cloud.
15 votes
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