4999 results found
White Label custmer facing ticket schedule
Remove the name Atera from the schedule ticket requests [ Atera # xxxx ] and replace it with company name [ I.T. Company # xxxx ]
7 votes -
Consolidate Password Storage Locations
Currently, you have the option of storing passwords at the Company level, as well as attached to a specific agent record.
Need the ability to open up a single Password repository and see all passwords in one place.
Currently, we spend a bunch of time guessing whether passwords were stored at the Company level or the Agent level.
One Agent could have multiple passwords: Windows username/password, SQL server password, web application specific password. Gets confusing if we store the windows password at the Agent level, then maybe the SQL server at the agent or company level, then the web application…
6 votes -
We use G-Data Endpoint security.
Atera show the G-Data, but not the Status of the virusscanner.
Is it possible to integrate the status of it ?Best regards
Jan Wynen7 votes -
Define variables on uploaded scripts
I needed to ask variables on my uploaded scripts instead of need to put the .exe file on the agent or create a script to download the file.
This solution will help me on locations and agents with no good internet bandwidth.
2 votes -
Password Reassignment
under the Customer Password that this can be reassigned to other Contact , as sometimes the passwords are Company accounts or contact leave and others take over the accounts. so not having to recreate everytime we need to reallocate that password would be nice.
4 votes -
Currently Atera is allowed via DUO authentication app as a 3rd party app. I like that I can push or text an approval for my 2FA for my other apps, but this one I have to enter the 6 digit code. Can you get with DUO.com and add your product to an IT Authenticator vs a consumer google or other
15 votes -
White Label service desk URL
Would love to be able to have the option to whitelabel our own servicedesk URL with appropriate certificates instead of having a xxxx.servicedesk.atera.com URL.
43 votesNice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
Search devices by info other than Agent Name
It would be great to be able to search devices by Service Tag # or serial #. I would also love the ability to choose what information is shown for each device in the customer/device list view. Right now it's just Agent Name, last logged user, and a folder location if applicable. It would be great to be able to also display service tag/serial, computer model, public IP, etc.
1 vote -
Sage integration
Accounting integration with Sage
14 votes -
SSL Cert. Monitoring
It would be amazing to monitor the validity of SSL Certs.
41 votesNice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
filter tickets negatively
filter tickets negatively: i.e. add an option to not display tickets from specific customers
1 vote -
Calendar Integration iCloud
Office365 und Google are here, but help us Mac Users too... It would be nice to see iCloud Calendar integration.
1 vote -
Network Agent
In our line of business and I'm sure many others I run PC's on my network that have no access to the outside world, there ran threw a NIC and Switch separate of the internet. I would like to see the ability to run a agent remotely via the main agent or even run scripts on remotely via that agent.
1 vote -
Integrate with Datto RMM
Fully integrate Atera with Datto RMM
2 votes -
See Acronis alerts for onPremise Versions
not only cloud version, there are many onPrem Versions of Acronis running
4 votes -
Include Webroot Antivirus Inactive in Threshold Item
I would like the ability to know if a systems Webroot is not working properly or running. Same applies for Windows Firewall.
44 votesNice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
integration with Snipe-IT asset management software
An integration with Snipe-IT asset management software would be awesome.
Please create an add-on for Atera or do some kind of integration with Snipe-IT at least do an inventory sync module.
Snipe-IT is open source:
Even if Atera could see potential in the idea and have the developer capacity you guys can create a fork of it and integrate it.65 votesNice! The feature you requested is being considered for development. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
Adding Date Field for Products and Expense Report
In the Products and Expense Report there is currently no DATE column.
It would be quite helpful to add that column. As it stands now, you must drill into each ticket and pull the information1 vote -
Reckon accounts Integration
Reckon accounts Integration
1 vote -
More automation
I would like to be able to run a specific script based on the name of the alert or based on the description of the alert.
For example: critical alert from the backup software which reports that the folder is full in the description. The script will look for the path of the folder in question and clean it up according to its parameters. If it has made room, the alert is resolved, otherwise a ticket is created.
2 votes
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