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  1. Ticket reports where you could see the communication on the ticket

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  2. Network Discovery - automated report of daily scan, saved as excel to say sharepoint customer file folder, per client. This would give a history of network scans.

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  3. It's important to know what the team are working on, whether billable or non-billable. At the moment it seems that reporting is only on time entries marked as billable. Please make non-billable time entries something that can be reported on as well.

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  4. One of the most important features of any RMM solution is the monitoring of hardware. Specifically, temperature of the motherboard, CPU and DISK. Atera has that capability right now and thresholds are fully customizable. But different hardware has different thresholds.

    Within the Intel lineup, there are different thresholds for the i3, i5 and i7. And even within the same processor family, there are different thresholds for different generations.

    Having one conservative threshold generates a lot of false alerts. And going the other way is risky. Creating different thresholds for different processor types and generations becomes a management nightmare giving that…

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    Nice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!

  5. In ticket automation, under actions, there should be option to add time spent on that ticket. As for example we receive 50 emails daily with same title from tool we use, they all have same title so we can use automation rules, but we also need to add time spent on doing this and adding time under "actions" would save us 30 minutes every day.

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  6. Separation of internal Notes and Communication with a customer: would be nice to have it for example, in a box on the bottom right. The colors are helpful but when you put in the notes, after 1-2 replies, it throws to the bottom and now you have to expend. Would be easier to see it like this in a separate box

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  7. We need admins get notified when a new survey (feedback) is created after the ticket is closed

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  8. It would be great to have an option to add new customers and the devices under it to existing automation profile. For example, we have an automation profile to enable permission based remote access for Splashtop and every time we have a new customer, we have to manually add the customer to the existing automation profile to ensure that the remote access is not unattended and requests for permission even for all new devices.

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  9. Hi,

    We use G-Data Endpoint security.
    Atera show the G-Data, but not the Status of the virusscanner.
    Is it possible to integrate the status of it ?

    Best regards
    Jan Wynen

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  10. It is critical we have an area on the invoice/bill for us to be able to add comments or notes for the customer to be able to see.

    Also adding the same notes feature to products, so that when a product is invoiced for, ect new equipment, that the customer can see a detailed description of the product they are being invoiced for.

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    5 comments  ·  Billing  ·  Admin →
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    Under Review  ·  Dor N. responded

    Nice! The feature you requested is being
    reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an
    eye on the number of votes, and let you know if
    a decision is reached to implement. Thank you
    for being a partner in our process!

  11. Integration of in customer records.

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  12. Filter by empty customer field: i would like to be able to filter the device view by a certain custom field that is empty (n/a).

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  13. Please add on the new feature update a possibility to change the system date format to have other format as default. We are exporting timesheet and the date format are set to US which does not work for us as we are in Australia. This is a must setting that you should be looking to implement.

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  14. Add automation rule to close a ticket. If you configure automation rules to open a ticket you should also be able to automate closing a ticket. An example being, if you have an availability monitor set up and the alert opens a new ticket but that alert gets resolved a few minutes later you should be able to automate closing the ticket as well.

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  15. KB Version – when someone makes the KB, then it turns out some one has the older version, we’d like to be able to pull up the previous version of an article. We are copy pasting it just as a back up.

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  16. When viewing a client system's Event Log through Devices -> [Deivce Name]-> Manage -> Event Viewer -> System, you have the drop down menu option to choose the number of records you want to view from 50 to 1000.

    On ALL my client systems, the installed Atera agent logs Event ID 7045 just about every minute. Since this Atera agent event mainly consumes the System Event Log, the max Display option of 1000 records is not enough to view "real" records that are more than 18 - 24 hours old.

    The Atera Event ID 7045 is normal operational behavior for…

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  17. Under folders, have the checkbox ability as well so we can select some devices

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  18. Allow conditions like AND and OR in conditions field in ticket automation. For example, the ability to be able to send email to technician only if the ticket is signed by someone else. If the ticket is assigned by technician himself, the email should not be sent to him.

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    Nice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!

  19. Currently if we want to use the APIs to pull certain tickets or time entries for a particular client and/or a particular timeframe, we have to pull ALL THE TICKETS in our Atera account (which takes a long time, and generates a lot of traffic to Atera's servers).

    Can you please add additional criterias to avoid all this extra traffic and make the API calls faster?

    Time Entries and Tickets search:
    * Before date-time
    * After date-time
    * Customer ID
    * String in comments (all words, or any words).

    Thank you!

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  20. Log more activities, such as who is creating/modifying scripts

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