4996 results found
Customize ticket number / prefix
We would like to see a customizable ticketnumber.
Instead of just having [#123] it would be awesome to add (at least) a custom prefix to it, so that we can achieve [PREFIX#123] to distinguish between different used systems and add automatic email processing in exchange.1 vote -
Navigating between pages
UI: Too many page changes - When I'm working on a ticket it's challenging to go back and forth from the device and other tabs.
4 votes -
Custom Fields in Email Templates
• You cannot include custom fields in email templates as a variable. You can automate them though, but for things like dates that makes automation useless since you can only say "this ticket has a date change for this custom field" and not the actual date it was set to. We should be able to add all fields on a ticket as variables to templates.
5 votes -
My Script backups
A way to backup everything in "My Scripts" to a zip file or to backup individual or a group of scripts with a download button
20 votesNice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
Apply SNMP template on creation of device
When creating an SNMP template you set the device type to e.g. "switch". Now you would like to add a SNMP device and apply the template. For that you have to manually add the template onto the device.
It would be very helpful when the template would be applied to the SNMP device directly (if equal device types then apply template)
Else I don't get why there is an option to choose "device type" when creating a SNMP template because you can enter a name and description as well.
3 votes -
Software License Tracking
It would be nice if Atera coulda track Third-Party licenses. For example, the device management screen would show if a copy of SolidWorks, Nitro Pro or Adobe Pro was installed and list the corresponding licenses. I know a few other RMM solutions have functionality like this. Would make tracking licensed software much easier.
9 votes -
Under Manage then User Activity is a great report. Anyway to make that an automated report I can send when I want via email?
Under Manage then User Activity is a great report. Anyway to make that an automated report I can send when I want via email?
1 vote -
Ticket pop-out feature
Design Atera that when you select a ticket, rather than open in a new window, or current window. Pop out in a dialogue box style to improve speed when working with a lot of tickets. Flicking back and forth can be a little slow with Atera.
1 vote -
New idea when Product Family changes
For an existing ticket, if the product family is changed, then it will fire off an email to specified people
1 vote -
Add a multiselect custom field type
Create the ability to have a multi select custom field and be able to filter a view on this. I'm currently using tags to accomplish this but the view filter can only use an AND operator. If you create the multi select custom field and allow the user to "Meet all of the following conditions" and "Meet any of the following conditions" as the filter option, THIS WOULD BE AWEOSME!
8 votes -
Create contacts for emails only from known domains
Right now the options in Atera for handling inbound email are to only create tickets for known contacts or to create contacts when emails come in. A 3rd option would help things a ton if we could say to only create contacts, if the email domain is one listed on a customer.
9 votesNice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
Ability in Registry Editor to delete a Key, and search function
First: I want to delete a Registry Key, but this is unavailable. I can only delete a registry value.
Secondly: It would be great to search a registry key/value.
Thanks.11 votes -
need on email which devices offline from more than 1 month
we report need on email which devices offline from more than 1 month
3 votes -
Add a prefix to generated reports.
When exporting reports to pdf/xlsx it would be handy if the filename were prefixed by YYMMDD-HHmmss-reportname.pdf/xlsx That way no reports are overwritten, and reports can be easily sorted by filename.
2 votes -
Arrangeable Customer Folders
Under Customer > Devices > Folders: The ability to arrange or drag the folders in a different order would be helpful for the organization. Under the current format, you create a folder and there is no way to arrange them.
22 votesNice! The feature you requested is being considered for development. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
change color of new ticket button
the new ticket button color of hot pink is not very professional looking and would like the ability to change the color
1 vote -
Ability to change To: in ticket
Ability to change the assigned To: in a ticket without having to create a new contact each time.
We get tickets that are for other users, and it would be helpful to have the option to modify the To: field in the response, or remove the original requester and only have the user the ticket applies to in the message string.
1 vote -
Login Feature - default blade
I want to be able to set login defaults. One technician may need the "Customers" blade while another would prefer the "Dashboard" blade.
Please enable us to configure this per profile.
1 vote -
Square Payment Terminal Integration
Would be helpful to have Square integration for payments on our terminal system, there are third-party apps that can integrate the 2, so it should be a service built in by Atera!
1 vote -
Ticketing Reports Filter by Origin
Reports for tickets of technician: Being able to filter by origin of ticket so I can filter out tickets coming from Alerts that most technicians usually just go through and close quickly if there is nothing to be done.
1 vote
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