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  1. Why does it seem to take so long to get simple things included? Things like customizable statuses / notes(emails) into the ticket should also be placed in as time entries because there is effort being taken to communicate with a client, which should be accounted for............

    Atera is a nice platform, but there are just basic things missing that should not need to be...........

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  2. Allow a customer to create a portal account if their email domain is registered to a customer profile. At the moment the technician needs to do this.

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  3. EaseUS ToDo Backup is a full featured lower cost alternative to many of the highly overpriced backup solutions. In use at many installations with a proven history most times exceeding performance of many high priced backup solutions.

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  4. New pop-out (top right of screen) shows Server Name but does not display Customer Name.

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    Under Review  ·  Nir Gilbert responded

    Nice! The feature you requested is being considered for development. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!

  5. It would be nice to be able to create friendly names for devices. That way we can search for people by name in the search bar. Say a client has like 300 devices. It'd be nice to make the PC name - HomePC101 and give it a friendly name such as like Matt Fox Home PC. Then we can just search "Matt Fox" in the search bar and pull up the device very quickly.

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  6. Not being able to pull any report about customers Profitability on Hourly Contract ( 100% of our customers are on hourly contract) is why we are looking elsewhere . This is an extreme week part of your application. MSP in general bill by the hour or block hour. NEVER retainer. To not have this is why we are looking to move on. How did this even get to market without this feature? Not being able to pull up how much revenue is generated by a customer or a customer /technician over 'X' period is very poor design choice by your…

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  7. It is imperative that there be a separate/different subject line when a computer is unavailable, and also that it indicates how many computers are involved. This is basic for any RMM and is a huge flaw in your service. For those of us who have a lot of customers/machines, there are a lot of emails that come in daily and it is way too easy to miss ones as critical as unavailability. It cannot be that difficult to have those go out with a different subject line, or even allow for text notifications under those circumstances.

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    Nice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!

  8. Whether I'm under customer alerts or all alerts there are filters, but we are missing a filter by agent. This could be done just the same as the advanced device filters. We collect so much data on alerts but there's no way to see all the historical alerts for a single machine.

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  9. Please allow non-HTTP(S) links in ticket bodies, so we can leverage other URIs (such as ms-settings:Sound or jamfselfservice:).

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  10. Can you add the option to use PowerShell 7 instead of Windows PowerShell in the device 'Manage' functions? Or maybe the option to switch between the two versions?

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  11. We roll over clients time over a quarterly cycle. Can scheduled reports have another default of the last 3 months creating. I am generating on two months but cant see what the over or underage is over a full quarter. Moving forward a quarterly client update fits in well over the year. Any report I want to be able to undertake a quarterly review.
    Can reports be made available to clients in the user portal?

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  12. Atera only seems to be able to email alerts for Critical/Warning/Resolved.

    We also need to be able to receive Info Alerts for custom Windows Service monitoring otherwise the alert only shows on the Atera console but does not get emailed.

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  13. It would be nice to have the ability to charge different prices per device. Right now it's $xx per month for PC's for example. However, if I want to charge extra for a computer that is running Windows 10 (not Server OS) for some reason I can't. If that "special" PC is doing something critical but is not a server I can't differentiate it with the monitoring contract.

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  14. list of attachments for customers sorted by name would be swell.

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  15. 1 vote

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  16. it would be nice if atera could fix errors on its own. search the event logs for errors and solve them on its own or at least suggest solutions using Microsoft KB articles.

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  17. Exporting of all contacts of a customer for mass updates

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  18. stop email alerts for a particular device

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  19. The ability to have a billable time entry summary sent to the customer anytime a technician has submitted one through a ticket.

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  20. Patch Management: Add a delay box. Easier to add a delay (some for maintenance and then delay the patches for reboot) instead of creating different profiles

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