Auto-assign tickets with initial reply
Auto-assign tickets. When a tech replies to a ticket, they should be assigned the ticket by default. We shouldn't need to manually assign tickets or use round robin ticket set up.

Nice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
Clint Siebert commented
Cant believe this even needs voting and discussion. Such a basic feature
Miguel Jimenez commented
This was a great feature of Spiceworks Helpdesk, which we used before moving to Atera 4 years ago, and we are still missing the feature.
It helps with SLA and accountability of the team.
Craig Beam commented
not sure why this isnt default
Matthew Cummins commented
We just came from Freshdesk (free edition) and this was the default behavior. Super useful. Atera, is there a reason this has still been under review for 2 years with no implementation?
Paul Amato commented
Agree with what everyone is saying. Our agents sometimes forget to assign a ticket, then they don't receive reply notifications via email.
Austin Nelson commented
Yes, please add this feature!
Robert Reeves commented
Yes please, I get tired of referring to chat to see who said they would take a ticket but never assigned it. I keep my view set to ONLY my tickets AND Unassigned. People not taking tickets into their queue clutters up my view.
Tracey Naleway commented
I like this concept. ITIL 101.
Damon Carson commented
It would be fantastic to see this brought in. I've used other packages in the past which do this, and the fact that Atera doesn't is quite frustrating.
Dale Crowder commented
Can I vote for this 100 times. Its so confusing to come in on a ticket 2nd or 3rd after initial contact with the client. It makes the 2nd or 3rd person look ignorant. When a technician replies to a ticket through email, it should be assigned to them immediately.
Carlos Manrique commented
I would like to make it so that when a ticket is first replied to by a Technician, then that Technician is assigned that ticket (not Round Robin). For example, if there are Technician 1 and Technician 2, and Technician 1 responds to a ticket, then the ticket is assigned automatically to Technician 1. However, if Technician 2 also helps by replying in that ticket, Technician 2 will NOT be assigned the ticket automatically. It's whoever replies to a ticket first that is assigned it. This feature exists in other Helpdesk services so I would like to see it here.
Ben Sugarman commented
We've come from Freshdesk and quite surprised this isn't the default option. The 'round robin' option would actually create more work and issues than help for our standard requirements - this would be great to just assign the ticket to the tech who chooses to reply. Thanks.
Blake Marvin commented
@Atera Dev Team - This would be HUGE for our team. Please consider adding this!
Blake Marvin commented
This would significantly improve our workflow. The current methods for assigning tickets to technicians are very inefficient. Usually, the first tech to respond is the one that will be completing the work. If a different tech should be assigned, a manual re-assignment can be made.