4986 results found
Start timer billable witch checkbox
Add checkbox to start timer billable or not directly from the interface without to have to edit it in the popup edit time entry.
1 voteNice! The feature you requested is being considered for development. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
Auto reboot after X days
It will be very helpful to have the ability to automate auto reboot after X days . (For people who never reboot .)
0 votes -
Possibility to disable APIs.
The API allows, among other things, to retrieve information from conversations. If confidential data is stored in the conversations, it could be a serious cybersecurity issue (Password). API calls should be authenticated and, in my opinion, API calls should be restricted to only certain public IPs. As with the portal login, which has this option. We could even rely on the same IPs that are allowed to authenticate to the portal. Authentication + IPs = security
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Test - Dani RM
Bla Bla
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0 votes
Gmail CRM Integration
It would be great if I could review all the interactions (emails) to and from my customers through a Gmail CRM plugin. The plug-in could BCC the communication between you and the customer to a custom email address which appends the info in the email to the appropriate client's record. It would be great if the plug-in also allowed you to select the type of correspondence you are sending such as Sales, Support, or Follow-up.
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