4999 results found
Showing 2 devices with same hostname name offline and online - After reinstallation
My 500 machines got offline now I have noticed the while doing the reinstallation it's showing online and offline 2 devices with the same hostname.
There is no way to clear the offline machines at a single time, Need to do it manually,
There is no hostname conflict feature in Matera
There is no way to delete the offline machines at one time
There is no option to push the Atera MSI file via the deployment tool. it can
only be done by ADThere is no information on Atera uninstallation if you can run the
uninstallation.There is no…
1 vote -
counter / tally chart / trace issues
I've read nice feedbacks with some points here and there we wish atera has but I want to point it out a bit more:
We struggle to trace repeating issues in the ticket system. For example:
Issue X comes up every 3 months and every time another technician is working on it. We are 5 technicians so it could happen that my colleagues will face Issue X one by another and after maybe 12 months it lands on my table again. 1st I sure would not remember that I worked a year ago on the same ´problem and 2nd I…1 vote -
i would like to add a system deploy or install date
I would like have a field in the agent windows that allows to put in a system deploy and warranty expiration date ( Age of the system). This would be a tremendous help for replacing systems in the field .
9 votes -
Support for secure devices that cannot connect to the Internet and need software updates
Support for secure devices that cannot connect to the Internet and need software updates
2 votes -
Ability to delete multiple contacts
not being able to multiple select a list of contacts to update or remove.
2 votes -
Add chat under "source" so i can exclude it from sending emails to customer
When I close a chat with a customer, it does not need to send an email to that customer. Would be nice to exclude it but right now, you cannot exclude it. Does not give you the option under Source in the ticket auto rules
1 vote -
Turn off pagination for the API
Turn off pagination for the API
1 vote -
Permission tied with Ticket Statuses
Having permission tied with certain ticket statuses. One of our status is sales ticket, that would be great if only our coordinator could see those tickets.
1 vote -
Explorer view for KBs
Explorer View in KB: I would love to see a lot more focused dev efforts into KB. We mostly do internal. We use Xoho for KBs also. Atera's KB feels really clunky. It's hard to describe the way it's layed out. Everything is all scrolled down. Would be great to have inside KB – more of an explorer type view instead to all of these long title and section underneath and then articles etc. Folder on the front page. Document instead where you van easily open up. Share point up online. It doesn’t feel very flushed out.
1 vote -
Hexnode mobile, Desktop & IOT management software
Integration with Hexnode solutions. It offers Unified mobile, Desktop & IOT management.
1 vote -
Organization Level Customization Of Atera Agent Startup Type
We have recently being having issues where when servers reboot for Windows updates the Atera service doe snot start up in a timely manner, this results in constant alerts for the servers and unable to access them to resolve this issue.
We set the startup type of the agent to "Automatic (Delayed Start)" however when the service is started again it appears to overwrite this setting and reverts to simply "Automatic" which means we are back to square one.
I appreciate that other Atera users prefer the Automatic startup type for speed however for us it is simply not reliable…
5 votes -
Allow Scripts to be run without a user logged in.
Allow scripts to be run with a user being logged in. Example after a device restart.
9 votes -
Filter scheduled tickets
If you do a lot of scheduled tickets its difficult to find the one your after to edit.
6 votes -
non tech role
Desperately need various roles for non-technical people to be able to access Atera for PSA and Billing purposes.
Sales people should be able to add customers/customer information, but never be allowed access to RMM functions like devices or scripts or anything technical--but the option to grant those permissions should also be there for technical-minded sales people. (Think Sales Engineer who moved to that role from Field Tech and helps clear ticket queues from time to time)
Billing people should be able to add/edit customers, do invoicing, manage ticket information (like correcting spelling errors) etc... but not have access to anything…
35 votesNice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
HTTP Device alert threshold
Only fire an alert if a site is down X number of polling attempts. Right now, there's a lot of noise in the signal with sites being "down" for only one poll attempt, so alerts are being ignored.
1 vote -
Customize emails for alerts
Add the ability to customize the email subject and body for an alert.
Now it has a very general subjects hard to skip through emails.
58 votesNice! The feature you requested is being considered for development. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
It Automation profile based on rank
Ability to assign IT automation profile based on the rank we give to our customer
3 votes -
Reboot device summary
There needs to be an easier way to see which devices require a reboot. I can't check the tooltips next to hundreds of devices only. The tooltips are too cumbersome!
4 votes -
Service Monitoring only raise alert on consecutive failures
It would be highly beneficial to control the behaviour of the service monitoring threshold item. i.e. when a monitored service is down for 3 checks at 2 min intervals then raise an alert, rather than the service being flagged as down as part of a software update where the services starts and stops.
5 votes -
Report Fields on the Dashboard
Allow report fields to be displayed on the dashboard (such as disk capacities and patch status) with the report automatically updating periodically.
1 vote
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