4999 results found
See how many alerts per device
How many times has a machine raised an alert:
Scenario: You want to know if the same issue keeps occurring on a particular pc.
You set the alert status filter to Resolved – but there is no way to filter the list to just that machine and then while you are scrolling to find it the list suddenly refreshes and annoyingly puts you back at the top of the list!
Please give us an export to excel function and a filter by agent, and the ability to pause the list refresh!2 votes -
Add alert duration and when it happened
Would like to know how long did an alert last for and when did it happen: Scenario: You need to know the exact time an issue started with a machine and when it was resolved so that you know how long the issue went on for and you also want to use the exact time to help you match the cause in some other log such as the windows event viewer.
2 votes -
Add 'Connect' button under Alert tab
Would like to have the connect button in the Alerts page. Scenario: You want to investigate the alert on a machine using a remote control session – but the connect button that you get on the devices page (see below) is missing from the alerts screen!
This means that you have to make an extra click on the device name and wait for that page to load up before you can perform a connect.
Please add the missing button2 votes -
Search behaves differently in new UI
Search in the new UI behaves differently: Scenario: You copy a serial number from somewhere but accidentally include an extra space in front of it (easily done) and then paste it in to the Atera search box in the new UI. This can lead to a lot of confusion as it is not always obvious that you have accidentally got a leading space in the search box.
2 votes -
Send summary email to client when closing a ticket
When you go on site and then close a ticket, it would be nice send an email to the client that summaries everything that was done. Where we can export and send to the client for signature or for him to know that we did a, b, c
2 votes -
SNMP given by Atera directly
SNMP library given by Atera directly instead of going and searching for it online
9 votes -
Filter devices based on user activity
When working on large software deployments (no - not the apps in Chocolatey), it would be extremely useful for me to filter devices based on user activity.
I could filter devices where the user has been idle for >2hrs. This lets me know that those computers are not in use and I can start a long running process on them.
This would be useful in many situations; like patch management and maintenance processes, in addition to large software deployments.
7 votes -
Ability to backup the knowledgebase would be very useful. Thank you!
6 votes -
Auto update user endpoint based on logon
Now that there is now integration with Azure AD and Atera. It would be a cool idea when a user creates a ticket it picks up the latest PC that the user is logged into and assign them the device. I know not everyone environment is like that so an option to lock user to a PC or disable.
3 votes -
Dear Support, How are you doing? We were wondering if it is possible to send an email notification to the assigned technician when an inte
Dear Support,
How are you doing?
We were wondering if it is possible to send an email notification to the assigned technician when an internal note is added?
Thank you
3 votes -
Add second 2FA method
Is that possible to have the choice for add a second 2FA method, like number phone for sms or a secon 2FA application ?
14 votes -
Would like to be able to add our own banking information on the invoice
To be able to add our payment type example bank transfer and display our account information on the invoice.
This is very important for use.
Also to be able to change or start from a specfic invoice number instead of starting with 16 votes -
Splashtop Business Integration
Allow to integrate with Splashtop Business account. Much like with the current ConnectWise Control.
16 votes -
Device Limit for customers
The ability/function to limit how many devices are allocated to each customer depending on the support package provided internally. Doing this through threshold creating would make sense from a user's perspective.
Works great for billing so we as providers understand if someone's breached their limits.
1 vote -
1 vote
IP based restrictions for technician’s login for Remote Office.
It would be helpful if we can implement IP based restriction to restrict the technicians for remote office only not for mobile technicians
2 votes -
It would be great if we can assign dedicated script section for junior technician so that they can only have access to certain scripts not w
It would be helpful if we can assign dedicated script section for junior technician so that they can only have access to certain scripts not whole repository.
3 votes -
Agent Time Interval
It would be nice to have the ability to change the Atera Agent Time Interval either via the Atera web interface, or via custom agent creation.
Currently, because of end user latency, we get numerous alerts and tickets. The only way to resolve this is by using a script on each end point. (changing the registry)3 votes -
Hyperlink a picture or logo
The ability to add a hyperlink to logos and pictures.
3 votes -
Export ticket fields to CSV
I would like to be able to export ticket details to a CSV so I can easily import it to our CRM platform where everything is already automated to go through our billing and various other workflows.
There would be more to it but if there were more ways to export information from Atera for other systems to digest that would be awesome!
6 votes
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