Schedule Agent Reboot \ Shutdown \ Loggoff
Schedule a one time reboot, shutdown or logoff.
At the moment we can only run these commands immediately. It would be great if we can schedule a one-time event without having to create an IT Automation schedule.

Thanks to you, Atera is better today than it was yesterday! The feature you requested has been implemented and released!
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Ero Hiiesalu commented
Would it be possible to add information about what is displayed on the screen before restart or shutdown
Hans Kristiansen commented
Our users have their computers on 24/7, and seldomly reboot. A reboot job with the same options as in the "Configuration policy" -> "Windows update restart configurations" -> "Allow end users to control device restarts" would be very helpful, as this would take into consideration that a user potentially could be in a meeting (or the like) when the reboot is scheduled to occur.
Mehran Ajaz commented
Is there an update on this?
Ronnie Ziwa commented
I am evaluating the platform at the moment and this is the feature it urgently needs, apart from that i am loving everything.
TowerTech Technician commented
Would also be cool if it you can choose whether it`s a silent or notified shutdown\reboot
Scott Concowich commented
I just have an IT Automation created for this set to run once and when I want to use it I just set the date and add the server(s) to it. There definitely could be an easier way to schedule, but this way works without issue.
Matt Massey commented
I use this in Powershell:
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock {schtasks.exe /Create /tn "Reboot Computer" /RU SYSTEM /tr "C:\windows\System32\shutdown.exe /r /f /d P:4:1 /c 'Onetime Reboot'" /sc ONCE /SD {[MyDate]} /ST {[MyTime]}} -
Michael commented
Atera remote command prompt: shutdown /f /r /t 36000
(or whatever time in seconds you want).A built in scheduled remote restart would be nice though.
Todd Mahoney commented
Would be nice to add this to the Threshold - device hasn't been rebooted in 30 days - then add an automation script to reboot it.
Bram Dispa commented
Scripting is nice, but a scheduled reboot is something we do on a weekly basis, but not necessarily at regular intervals. Would be easier to have this in the UI.
Paul Rose commented
Scheduling a script run right at the device (or even inside a ticket where you could pick the device!) would be ideal, with users in meetings frequently we could schedule patch removals or other items requiring a reboot for post meeting or known free/available time - it would be ideal as well to get an automated ticket update saying it had run and completed or failed
Weldon D Hastings commented
I too am looking for this feature. I tried to script in several things to display an option but none of them worked :(
AdminProduct Team (Product Team, Atera) commented
Hi Christian,
There is an option for one-time running including reboot, doesn't it help? (pic is attached) -
Daniel Batrac commented
In the daily administration, I miss this function the most. I also don't want to solve this by script and restart too many servers at once at the same time.
This is really an important feature that is missing! -
Vincenzo Convertito commented
I used this batch:
@echo off
SET RestartHour={[RestartHour]}
IF %TEST% GEQ 24 (
exit /b
SET SCHTIME=%RestartHour%00
SET today=%date%CALL:DateToJDN %today% todayNo
rem ECHO(this is day no. %todayNo%
SET /a tomorrowNo=todayNo+1
rem ECHO(tomorrow is day no. %tomorrowNo%CALL:JDNToDate %tomorrowNo% tomorrow
rem ECHO(tomorrow is %tomorrow%IF %NOWTIME% GEQ %SCHTIME% (
echo Scheduled reboot for tomorrow at %SCHTIME:~0,2%:00
) ELSE (
echo Scheduled reboot today at %SCHTIME:~0,2%:00
set SCHDAY=%DATE:~0,2%/%DATE:~3,2%/%DATE:~6,4%
schtasks /create /f /tn ScheduledRestart /tr "shutdown /r /t 120 /f" /sc minute /mo 1 /st %RestartHour%:00:00 /et %RestartHour%:02:00 /z /SD %SCHDAY% /RL HIGHEST /RU SYSTEM >NUL
schtasks | findstr ScheduledRestartGOTO:EOF
:::::Convert the date to Julian Day Number
:DateToJDN jdn=
set date=%1
set /A yy=%date:~-4%, mm=1%date:~-7,2% %% 100, dd=1%date:~-10,2% %% 100
set /A a=mm-14, jdn=(1461*(yy+4800+a/12))/4+(367*(mm-2-12*(a/12)))/12-(3*((yy+4900+a/12)/100))/4+dd-32075
endlocal & set %2=%jdn%
exit /B:::::Convert Julian Day Number back to date
:JDNToDate jdn
set /A l=%1+68569,n=(4*l)/146097,l=l-(146097*n+3)/4,i=(4000*(l+1))/1461001,l=l-(1461*i)/4+31,j=(80*l)/2447,dd=l-(2447*j)/80,l=j/11,mm=j+2-(12*l),yy=100*(n-49)+i+l
if %dd% lss 10 set dd=0%dd%
if %mm% lss 10 set mm=0%mm%
endlocal & set %2=%dd%.%mm%.%yy%
exit /Bend-local
Warwick Burns commented
Currently there are scripts in the script library that will do this
Adam Lavery commented
There's sometimes a need to restart servers out of hours. Would be good to schedule a restart out of hours without having to setup a one-time IT Automation profile. That is, on the restart option, have a box to select a date/time to do the restart (or now).