Password protect the Atera agent from end-user uninstalls
Password protect Atera Agent from being uninstalled. I have had several users uninstall the agent from their systems. Most do not recognize the software and remove it. Others are just nosy. And others see the new software added and remove it because they don't like control, "Big Brother" .
I would like the option to place a check mark to turn on Password protection.

Congratulations on helping shape Atera! The feature you requested is currently being considered for development. Please be patient as the process can take a while or even stall to make way for other features. We’ll update you once it’s been implemented and released!
Martin Nigg commented
well there is a function now called "uninstall prevention" but this is not what admin's wanted. if i follow four KB entry about this it must mean, that if activated not even an admin can deinstall the agent but one with system rights.
but what us admins wanted is a function which asks for a deinstallation password even if the user does have admin rights. we do not want to be a system user or remove it by atera GUI.
we simply want to be able to deinstall the agent as admin (by teamviewer, splashtop or whatever) by using a given password by us when starting the deinstallation.
and the best would be if we could setup this password on our own and not only atera wide but per customer. -
How is this STILL not a thing? Get it together
info commented
By when exactly is the implementation of a password query for uninstallation planned?
This function should be available as a basic feature.
Please implement it as soon as possible.
Thank you -
Thomas Valois commented
Amen to needing a password protection feature!!
I've had a few users uninstall the software now because they didn't like the company policies being rolled out.
Unfortunately, most users there need admin rights for the software they run so it's hard to enforce this other than company policy!
IT Experts commented
Dear Atera:
The feature request is titled "Password protect" the agent uninstall.
The implementation of Atera has done is "prevent un-installation for non-admins users".
This is not what was asked.
A lot of users have admin rights on their machines, and can still uninstall agents very easily if they don't recognize it or think it's not needed when they review the list of installed applications.
What we have asked is for a PASSWORD PROMPT to show up when uninstallation is attempted. This would force users to contact us, and we could provide the password if there is a true need to remove the agent.
For our needs, the current implementation is useless. We hope that you can implement what was requested. Thank you in advance.
Tony Capewell commented
I could not agree more with Jason Lawrence. Why would you not have a password to stop removal!! This is a good example of the software provider not listening to the customers.
Jason Lawrence commented
Disappointed in the implementation of this feature, as some users have a separate local admin account, so are still able to uninstall the agent. The implementation should have used an uninstall password as suggested.
AdminProduct Team (Product Team, Atera) commented
Hi all, we have released a new option to prevent agent uninstallation by the end user.
You can see more information under the agent installation KB:
Please let us know if this is helpful and meets your needs.
Mehran Ajaz commented
Is there an update on this?
Brant Robinette commented
This isn't even a question of if it is needed, it is a basic function of being able to call your service a RMM. We need this now, not tomorrow. At the very least a email notification when an agent is installed OR uninstalled needs to be implemented immediately until this is in place.
Mehran Ajaz commented
Is there an update on this?
Diskel Support commented
I have tested a few RMM's and some of them the agent in "add-remove programs" have the uninstall button greyed out so the user cannot uninstall it. it is only removed when the device is deleted from the portal.
Klaus Welch commented
Still waiting on this feature since it was marked as "Planned" in October 2021.
Peninsula Computer Solutions Ltd. commented
This needs to be fast tracked to eliminate the constant re-installs of the agent. Nearly all other RMM products do this along with white label branding and installation protection of the agent and files. Not having this feature has lead us to look into other RMM packages.
Neil Siveter commented
I used this PowerShell to hide the AteraAgent from Programs and Features. Hope it helps someone.
$AteraGUID = (Get-WmiObject win32_product | Where-Object {$_.Name -match "AteraAgent"} | Select-Object Identifyingnumber).IdentifyingNumber
New-ItemProperty -path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\$AteraGUID -Name SystemComponent -propertytype DWord -Value 1 -
Dentech PCs commented
This would be handy
Support TechTurn commented
Planned on the 10th of October and still nothing?
Don Black commented
I, too, have had a client uninstall the agent. They're now paying for a service they are not getting until I can go and reinstall. In the meantime, they are unprotected with endpoint protection, and I'll be the one to get blamed if they have an issue. They should not be able to uninstall without my password.
AdminDor N. (Admin, Atera) commented
Don't we all have too many passwords and end up forgetting most of them?
Will a simple solution like hiding the Atera agent from the Add/Remove programs menu help in this case?
Happy to hear your thoughts in the comments section
Dakota Ross commented
I like the idea of making computer management software require a password to remove. Many antivirus solutions have this feature and it makes sense. I think moving in this direction makes sense for management software in general.