Mobile App Improvements
Better feature parity between the mobile and web applications.
Faster remote access.
Running Scripts.
Remote command access.
Remote software installs
Search for devices by name.
Remote Agent installs
Better Remote control.
LP Tech Support commented
At the very least I should be able to run a script on a device from the mobile app
michael zanck commented
It would be nice to have a better RMM dashboard. Show total count of devices, total offline and same factors when you drill down to a customer. this would also be great on the main website not just the mobile app.
Callum Corrigan commented
Also needs to stay logged in, rather than logging me out every time I log into my desktop!
Markus Mohr commented
any updates here? the app is really not the best
Bruce van Ravesteyn commented
login in with iPhone face recognition a struggle. make it easier to login!
Mike Jones commented
It would be nice to show the assigned tech in the ticket view.
Matthew Helleckson commented
Any updates on this?
support support commented
Please add Patch Management, Software Inventory too.
Dean Walker commented
Really needed features
1) Run Scripts on device
2) open ticket for device
3) Patch Management. I.e install/remove patch from app (can be per device rather than a whole section)
4) under General on an asset, show the cpu/ram graphs -
Matthew James Mifsud commented
- increased security when starting the app - pin code to enter the app
- ability to search tickets via view type
- ability to assign different permissions on mobile app than the web version e.g only view/reply tickets on mobile but no access to PSA -
Gerardo Viramontes commented
SyncroMSP has a better app. Tons of options. Would like to see that from Atera as well!!!
Robert Raskin commented
Need to be able to view customer and machine notes from app. I agree, at this point the app useless without many of these features. For field technicians it's of no value.
Kevin Jenks commented
passwords and patch management are needed
Andy Raphael commented
Also hopeful for some basic device management tasks. Most critical would be remote reboot, terminal commands and running scripts.
Sandeep H - Cogenesis commented
App can be really handy for onsite guys. Few things that are missing
`1. No way to search for tickets. Can't just rely on filtering that too only by status. There should be more filter options.
2. Look like time entered towards the ticket from the app is counted towards Onsite time. This is great for us as but there is no way to enter the time manually. Only way to enter time is by starting and stopping timer. -
s-bit commented
would be nice to mange the updates from the mobile app. the app should have the same features as the web interface
Dave Webster commented
I'm using the app more and more these days but one things that is a constant thorn in my side is customer passwords.
We have some complicated password that we need to login to systems.
So I have to have split screen setup on my phone so I can get what I need from the website to make the app useful!
Neil Taylor commented
I want all of these, but the the MOST important feature for me, is remote reboot devices from the mobile app. Without that basic feature, I just dont use the mobile app or waste my time with it. I dont want to have to remote in and then do it. A simple, reboot device would be invaluable and time saving for me and many others.
Patrick Wambach commented
Yeah the Atera mobile app absolutely sucks. Its a waste of time to even look at because you can only do one thing with it and that barely works. Please make it useful. It would be cool to install and agent on a system then pull out my phone and deploy whatever software bundle I want from my phone.
Stephen Davis commented
A decent developer with the skills required to contribute significantly to this feature request is, ballpark, $60k USD. Assuming everyone who has voted for this feature is paying Atera ~$100/mo give or take, you should be getting enough revenue for 2 developers, a secretary to bring them Red Bull and keep them on-task, and still have $20k-30k/year to pocket for a rainy day.
I only bring this up to ask--WHY ISN'T THIS HAPPENING ALREADY?
There's an API. There's a scattered, unfocused, fragmented excuse for a front end app. Will you please just get to work connecting the two so I don't have to pull over at a McDonalds and pull out my laptop every time I get a phone call? Maybe you don't understand what's involved for your users day-to-day, but I can tell you that for myself (and I suspect a large portion of the rest of us) we don't have the luxury of a desk job. I am always moving, continually going from client to client to do the things that I pay Atera to tell me needs doing. Quit puttering around with inconsequential incremental additions to your website, and PLEASE just do something to make my job easier. Fix the god-awful pinned portions of screens that won't scroll out of view so that I can fill in things like new ticket fields. Give me a functional task timer that doesn't hang every time my iPhone goes to sleep or I switch apps. Give me proper documentation. Let me create new assets for deploying agents to later. Fix your biometric login. Let me run scripts. Let me manage tasks and services. Let me trigger reboots. Put even a modicum of effort into making a functional, productive, seamless experience that would be a pleasure to use. I could swear no RMM company on the planet has ever used a smartphone before as every single one of you create pathetic, bug-ridden, frustrating, husks of apps that would have been regarded poorly 10 years ago, but in 2022 if you can't put a mobile app together, you need to reevaluate what it is you think you are supposed to be doing!
That said, I am quite pleased with the broader service apart from a few less offending details that I don't need to get into. You're on the right track. Just wake up on mobile devices, it sucks but I can't avoid them while also doing my job well.