Search bar enhancements
Greatly improve search bar engine and search results to provide better experience throught the webapp

Pierre Morel commented
Would make more sens to make all fields searchable or you will need a lot of feature to cover it all, thank you
Al Schleicher commented
Include KB's in global search...Awesome to be able to see tickets, devices and related KB's in one place.
Merlin Brandt commented
It would be helpful if the ticket list in the customer section had a search funktion. Ideally with the ability to search in specific fields, like "show all tickets that John Doe created".
Jon Hayes commented
Please include searching added assets and if possible ssid's of wifi connections. The wifi name is so helpful because some users don't know or have troulbe finding their computer name or anything for that matter, but they know they are connected to "x" wifi. I would prefer that all strings everywhere be searched but the most important to me are computer names, domain names, and user login names. This is the fastest way for me to get to the computer I need to access.
Jonas Benthin Saxild commented
I would generally like to have the search function improved.
Désirée Mellen-Bard commented
I would love an advanced search area where you can fill in each field independently to really narrow down a search. Example: I want to pull all tickets created for customer XYZ during the month of June 2022 that were assigned to Bobert. Or being able to look at all tickets created by a specific client with quickbooks noted in either the title or comments.
Just really granular ways to pull info as we have tens of thousands of tickets to try to dig through if we're trying to reference something done before, or how a problem was solved.
Michael Sokoloff commented
PLEASE make Custom Fields searchable! Thanks
kaleb holder commented
The ability to do wild card searched would be great to have. Currently the experience my is having is that you have to be extremely specific in your search. I have had very little success in just typing in a word that should exist in a ticket name or a comment in a ticket. I also can't do a search using asterisks to locate any ticket that might contain certain words or characters. For instance if I want to search any ticket related to Citrix I would like to do cit* and then have the ability to search any ticket that contains those characters in the event members of my team use different wording on their tickets than I do which is the case.
Wildcard searches would be great and the ability to be less specific in what I am typing would be helpful.
Kevin Ruffus commented
Being able to search in depth, globally or within a specific tab, is an absolutely critical function.
Any information available on a devices page should be searchable.
Multiple users logged in?
Currently the search only acknowledges the first listed user, not any after that.Need to find out which systems are still stuck on the default workgroup because the bonehead dealing with the site before you didn't bother to join half the systems onto the domain? Nope, you're outta luck.
This is a function that is essential for efficiency, and it's honestly surprising that it wasn't included from the start.
Mike Pan commented
a custom search field would be great. We constantly search by last logged in user as well.
Sandeep H - Cogenesis commented
Yes, global search needs a lot of improvements but I hope that doesn't affect the performance. Things I would love to see
1. Search of custom fields. If we can't find them, they almost become useless.
2. Complex search with AND and OR options. -
Authentix Support commented
PLEASE make Custom Fields searchable!!!!
Alexander Lepley commented
We desperately need to ability to do a global search based off of asset tags. Currently there isn't an asset tag field and the limitations on custom fields have forced us to stop using asset tags in the field as they cause more confusion for our techs than anything when receiving calls.
David Laughlin commented
I would LOVE to see the ability to do a multiple selection of tickets listed in a search and be able to process them like you can in the main ticket list.
Seems like a no brainer. IE You want to list all the tickets that came in from an erronious event and close them... Run the search, get your listing, select individual tickets or hit the button to select all that were found with the option to unselect those that you don't want to change. Once selected you at the then can mass merge, reassign, or whatever to only the items you selected from the search screen.
Thanks. -
Merlin Brandt commented
We would like to be able to search for device details in the customer page, e.g. find a device via serial number.
Currently that is only possible via the global search and that also spits out a different customer and a ticket that has to do with neither. -
Paul Rose commented
We are finding the current search woefully inadequate. Currently to top "global" search is poor and having to check and uncheck to find specifics is far too slow. We would also like to search "in page" so for instance if in a customer password section, just search there, and search a name or partial name, or base characters for fast results by typing 2/3/4 characters.
Adam Beer commented
It may be worth considering global shortcuts. For example, ITGlue's website has keyboard shortcuts.
Press O to search for Organisations
Press P to search for Passwords etc
These will pop up a search box and allow you to quickly search all from the keyboard.So with Atera, you could use:
Press C for searching for clients, a popup search box will appear, you type in your client name and press enter and it loads the client, you can then press D on the keyboard to search through the devices through that client.Something to consider, as the system ITGlue uses allows us to search incredibly quickly.