Live screenshot of device to see user activity
The ability to silently take a live screenshot of a device to see user activity to determine if free

Nice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
Scott Cameron commented
Kaseya's LiveConnect also has this feature. It shows a small preview of the screen, not big enough to read any actual words, so you can easily tell if a computer is sitting at the login screen or not. As others have mentioned, it should be toggleable so orgs with privacy rules can stay compliant.
Andrew Viney commented
If this is added please allow us the ability to turn this off or on. There is no way I want my tech's to have this ability for all the reasons Jenny mentions. Yes, knowing if a users is working is useful but screenshotting what they are doing is something totally different and a massive security issue. My customer's HR teams would drop us like a stone if they knew we were able to do this.
Jenny Council commented
This has serious unwanted security implications.
I want to see if user is active , but there’s another suggestion for this (show user status active/inactive)
Atera currently has a “xx is controlling your machine” pop up so users are informed they are being watched. It’s not OK to view screen with zero indication. Users may be working on highly sensitive/confidential matters.
It opens possibility of not just accidental momentary disclosure, also download/storage of confidential data to a 3rd party without notification and even opens up to abuse, as a bad actor technician can use it to spy on users (eg check what CEO or HR are working on for personal gain… possibly seeing documents or emails they are not authorized to access any other way). And ALSO, Atera then opens up to being a possible tool of choice for spying; silent install + taking recurrent screenshots of a user.
This could be used by abusive family members against say an abused spouse, or even for espionage.
Ease of access is a fantastic feature of Atera, but opening totally silent access to on-screen data may lead Atera to get a reputation for security loopholes.
Edit: just read how many other tools can apparently scrape screen data without user notification. I’m truly shocked and will avoid those products. They could never safely be used in any environment that handles classified, legal, medical data, and it would probably violate many european data protection laws.
michael zanck commented
SyncroMSP has this and its great feature to know if someone is busy working before I remote in or to see the general screen they are in to know if it is working when they do not respond.
Jaco Joubert commented
Very usefull, iTarian and Syncro does the same
Jon Scarpa commented
Yes, same with using ConnectWise. Really nice to see if the user is logged in an active, without having to connect to their session.
Steve Stringham commented
Having used Splashtop before Atera, it provided the information on if the user was active or not. It also would indicate if someone was logged in or if the computer was at a login screen. This was very helpful information, that was lost once switching to Atera and their Splashtop version (watered down). This would be a great step in the right direction (even without a screenshot), and I believe that Splashtop has the information and Atera would just need to expose it.
Alec commented
Connectwise Control does this too. Pulling the screenshot from chosen remote control tools would be great.
Luis Silva commented
This would be very helpful! We used to use Datto RMM and this was a feature that I used consistently on a daily basis. Would love to see this added.