Assign a contact to multiple agents and/or assign multiple contacts to an agent
Assign a contact to multiple agents and/or assign multiple contacts to an agent. Preferably the latter of course (n:n). It's very common for a customer to use/own multiple devices or a device being used by multiple users.

Nice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
Jose Terra commented
I'm really frustrated that there is no basic feature. Please consider this as soon as possible!
John Dutoit commented
For us, it is also essential to have this possibility, thank you
Sam Feagins commented
This is a much needed feature! Please consider this!
Jason Summerfield commented
Any update on this review? We'd also benefit from the ability to form one-to-many links between Agents and Contacts as many of our customers have both an in office desktop and a remote laptop.
Kieran Bonnie commented
Already a request for this here that's been there since April 2022 so I don't think this is coming.
Doug Knapfel commented
We have customers/users who have multiple devices (Work PC, Home PC, Laptops, Tablets...), so this would be very helpful.
Austin Schroeger commented
Having the ability to assign users to more than one device would be helpful. I have users with multiple devices. I dont know the issues that would cause on backend automation so I dont want to list this as a major issue. Just an inconvenience at this time
Jared Baer commented
Yes, we would like a contact to be assigned to more than one agent. Most people have multiple devices. We then need to create contacts with an alias to get them to have another device.
Devin Haley commented
Please add this feature!
Stephen Schillinger commented
To me the multiple machines to a single user is a bigger need. Users have multiple computers and need to be able to be attached as such.
Hoping that we can see some movement on the dev for this, but I have a feeling there is a fair amount of back-end work to get this added\fixed.
Suport IT commented
Same here. This was a must, I kept overlooking it, but now I really need it. Please.
Ethan Jarvis commented
In our company we have a lot of admin users that have portable and stationary pieces of equipment and we have certain departments that share computers. We currently use our own inventory program but if we could assign multiple pieces of equipment to a single user or multiple users to a single device we could completely integrate our entire process to Atera.
Ryan Hersey commented
Any update on the timing for this feature?
Stephen Schillinger commented
Also really looking for this feature ASAP.
This is a base feature in all of the big player software packages and would be a deal breaker for a lot of MSPs.
You should be able to attach a user to multiple machines (many users have a desktop and a laptop) or vice versa (terminal server or a shared computer).
Ben Ahlquist commented
Any updates on this request? We have about 1/3 of our users that routinely use multiple devices. We currently only are able to set their primary device as the Related Agent, but it would sure be nice to associate multiple devices/agents with one user.
Nutesa Equipo de TI commented
We need the 2 or more agents to 1 user. Please add this soon.
Thanks -
Isaac "yak" L. commented
This is such a small but necessary feature!
Matt Hoskins commented
This has become such a pain for us to manage because this feature doesn't exist. We're using comments section on primary/secondary devices to guide technicians to find other devices, but it's a bodgy workaround. The data model should just allow this.
Kenneth Cruzan commented
It would be nice when one contact has work PC and laptop and could be assigned to both. So if that contact creates a ticket, it sure would be nice to see both devices appear for us to remote into.
Jean Sébastien Chasle commented
Need it also. Have lots of contact that have both a PC and a Laptop and cannot asign both their machine to 1 contact