203 results found
Add API user to the activity logs in Atera so we can track what's been done by API
Add API user to the activity logs in Atera so we can track what's been done by API
For example I deleted a load of contacts via API and looked at activity logs which don't know me any information about contacts deleted by the API.
7 votes -
Different License Types
The ability to have different licenses for different types of employees. For an example a tech that is hired for helpdesk only does not need the Quickbooks integration. It would be nice to be able to hold the Growth license as the owner and the Pro license for the tech. It would also be beneficial to have a billing only license type for bookkeepers.
76 votesNice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
Change System & Tickets Date Format
Please add on the new feature update a possibility to change the system date format to have other format as default. We are exporting timesheet and the date format are set to US which does not work for us as we are in Australia. This is a must setting that you should be looking to implement.
18 votes -
Get Notified when end user submit a feedback
We need admins get notified when a new survey (feedback) is created after the ticket is closed
4 votes -
Ability for techs that don't have admin privilege to add/create folders
Ability for techs that don't have admin privilege to add/create folders
3 votes -
Customize sent from address for emails
We have a few emails addresses setup that we would like to use to send emails from for different emails from Atera.
So for email alerts we use a specific email address, for Helpdesk tickets we use another email address, For reports another email address.
We would like to be able to setup each email type to be sent with a specific email account not all use the same email address.
62 votesNice! The feature you requested is being considered for development. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
Report about the quantity of the agents installed.
An option to get the overall quantity of the agents installed in every client's space.
10 votes -
Search behaves differently in new UI
Search in the new UI behaves differently: Scenario: You copy a serial number from somewhere but accidentally include an extra space in front of it (easily done) and then paste it in to the Atera search box in the new UI. This can lead to a lot of confusion as it is not always obvious that you have accidentally got a leading space in the search box.
2 votes -
Add second 2FA method
Is that possible to have the choice for add a second 2FA method, like number phone for sms or a secon 2FA application ?
14 votes -
IP based restrictions for technician’s login for Remote Office.
It would be helpful if we can implement IP based restriction to restrict the technicians for remote office only not for mobile technicians
2 votes -
It would be great if we can assign dedicated script section for junior technician so that they can only have access to certain scripts not w
It would be helpful if we can assign dedicated script section for junior technician so that they can only have access to certain scripts not whole repository.
3 votes -
Italian language in Atera
It could be great to have Atera RMM in other languages. I am an italian customer of Atera and i'll be very happy to have italian language!
4 votes -
Adding Manager Through API
Would be nice to be able to add manager through API
1 vote -
Ad reset and unlock account
often need to reset and or lock/unlock AD user account.
A module to connecto to AD would make it so practical.Disable account
Reset Password
enable expiration
require password change
Member51 votesNice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
Turn off pagination for the API
Turn off pagination for the API
1 vote -
Drill Down Customer Menu
Require a Drill Down Menu (multi-level tree structure) for Customers:
When we click on Customers Menu on the left it should (show + or > sign) expand all customers and we should be able to drill down to any customer. And when we Select a particular customer, it should expand and show options such as Devices, Tickets, Alerts, etc. This will be a very helpful feature and make the process of switching between different customers.
2 votes -
Search - Custom fields
Search bar should be able to search agent by custome field value.
By example, we have a "Username" field, and it would be great if we are able to search this information quickly.53 votesNice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
It would be neat if we could post an announcement or other service information that all technicians might see as a banner at the top of Atera
4 votes -
Under patch summary report, we can see agents that are offline or are not responsive. Is there anyway we can access offline/ unresponsive agent right from the report screen?
Idea is to get working on the machines that are non responsive when running patches.
4 votes -
Calendar with multiple hours on same day
Business hours: being able to add more than a certain time entry for Monday for example. Want in the morning and afternoons
4 votes
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