Adding Notes - Documentation
Bigger space to add notes for proper documentation.

Congratulations on helping shape Atera! The feature you requested is currently being considered for development. Please be patient as the process can take a while or even stall to make way for other features. We’ll update you once it’s been implemented and released!
Jeremy Strain commented
Agreed, the ability to keep multiple notes for each customer or just a really large text box for multiple notes would be very helpful.
We have a lot of general info notes for different clients that we don't really have anywhere to put in Atera.
Michael Sokoloff commented
On the Customer, Contact and Devices pages can a Notes section be added to the list of tabs across the top. Can the notes section have more space and the ability to add multiple notes and links. Edit / Delete is a must. It would also be great to have notes on the Devices page to place notes like (Located in the hall closet) or (Fan replaced on xx/xx/xxxx) as an example.
Netcom Support commented
I hope this is for the super tiny Notes field under the Customer Name & Logo field. It's comically small.
WNC Support commented
For clarity, this is to add notes to an individual agent, correct?