Add 'last technician note' as a snippet for email templates
Add a snippet so we can make the last technician note or last reply from technician appear on the ticket resolved email.
This is useful to put all the information in one place and allows us to send resolution details to a primary contact via email if needed.

Maeve Mandrick commented
This would be very useful.
Matt Gorman commented
This would be very helpful, especially for auto ticket closed emails after a period of inactivity. I'm surprised this has not been implemented having been requested in 2022.
Sebastien Trivino commented
Functionality not yet implemented :'(
Sebastien Trivino commented
Why hasn't this functionality been integrated yet?
Matt Hardwick commented
This seems like a really strange oversight, it should be there... it's available in the API and I can't see value in having the last contact note and not the last technician note... this should be added asap and should not require much development. It's a fairly standard thing for even free ticket platforms so really should be there.
Justin Scott commented
Absolutely a yes.
Adrian Rhodes commented
This would be very useful, especially as we have a manager overseeing our service desk who would like to be able to view the progress of tickets without having to sign in to Atera to view the responses.
Cesar Gonzalez commented
Please add this option to send a notificacion to customer with the resolution of the ticket.
or something like Resolution Field.
Tim Oakes commented
This should be fast tracked to the front of development. Critical to know what a technician said when closing a ticket, e.g.
Cesar Gonzalez commented
very very necesary this option!!!!