Assign a contact to multiple agents and/or assign multiple contacts to an agent
Assign a contact to multiple agents and/or assign multiple contacts to an agent. Preferably the latter of course (n:n). It's very common for a customer to use/own multiple devices or a device being used by multiple users.

Nice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
Jean Sébastien Chasle commented
Need it also. Have lots of contact that have both a PC and a Laptop and cannot asign both their machine to 1 contact
Luke A commented
Warwick Burns commented
This would be a VERY helpful change. There are many cases where this would be helpful:
1. One IT contact (a.k.a. "liaison") for all tickets at a company - but multiple machines
2. WFH user needs access to several PC's at the office, not just one
3. "Frontdesk" machine gets used by multiple receptionists
4. Liaison creates a ticket for a machine not their own
5. How are we supposed to chat with a user that has no company email? -
Ralph Mattli commented
The function of multiple devices for one contact and multiple e-mail addresses per contact would be very desirable. Please treat this request with the highest priority
Robin Cortina commented
Consider this from an MSP perspective: Bob, help desk agent, works for an MSP with hundreds of clients. He hasn't ever spoken with anyone from ACME corp and doesn't know their network structure or device naming conventions. Bob gets a call from Alice at ACME for a desktop support issue. Alice has two laptops and a desktop workstation, but Bob can only see the one laptop assigned to her as a contact.
How does Bob easily find Alice's other computers in Atera, under the current system? He has to know her username or ask *her* to look up her machine's hostname. This can be made much simpler.
Cesar Gonzalez commented
should be nice this feature, and the option to have 2 emails per user
something like and, some bussines have 2 address to 1 contact... not an alias
Tom Rasmussen commented
When you have a multiple device environment per user, it makes it tough to assign all devices to a specific contact. This is an apparent oversight and really should be corrected. This could be a single user with multiple devices or a company based contact with several devices for a single company.
I agree with both current comments and would really like to see this changed in Atera.
George Harb commented
Actually, this should be considered a defect repair more so than an enhancement request.
The issue is that there appears to be a one-to-one relationship between contacts and agents when it comes to tickets. Whenever an agent is changed on a ticket, that agent is then assigned to all other tickets for that contact. It really should be a one-to-many or a many-to-many relationship. Either that, or decouple the agent assignment from the contact when it comes to tickets.