Improved Customized Dashboard
Updating the dashboard to be fully customizable and tailored to individual preferences.

Gerardo Viramontes commented
Almost picked SyncroMSP simply because of the Assets customizations... This is something Atera is missing!!!
Steve Stringham commented
Definitely add the ability to change the quantity of items in the list (like most all websites).
oren ben shimol commented
the ability to completely remove the status of tickets from dashboard will be appreciated , since I use another system for tickets
InnerVision Computer commented
Webroot AntiVirus / Firewall Status. Installed, Running and Needs Updates?
Click IT Parma Admin commented
Seconding the idea of ability to change the columns on the ticket page to others than the default view
David Strasser commented
The ability to have a customized dashboard based on differing needs would be amazing. The ability to see when customers respond to tickets on the dashboard would greatly improve the time to response.
Simon Holt commented
It would be great if the map showed device locations instead of customer locations and pin changed color based on on alert. Would be a great tool to quickly assess the situation during major outages.
Chris Jacky commented
I would love that! I don't need MSP features as we are in house.
Matt Ahern commented
We need to be able to search Contact Name to Agent Name or PC Model to Agent Name. This is a simple fix for Atera or let me know how I can fix it myself. THX
Steve Potter commented
Be able to have the custom dashboard on a 'dedicated' pc in read only mode so not using a technician licence.
Michael Cain commented
I'm an in-house IT department and have no need for billing and invoicing. Being able to customize the UI would allow me to reprioritize the UI and focus.
Matt Larking commented
It would be nice to quickly see devices with missing patches
Matthew Maserati commented
It would be VERY helpful on the ticket page/dashboard when seeing tickets if time has been taken against a ticket. Maybe just a Green clock icon next to the Tech name if time is taken and red if no time. If that linked to the time entries screen for the ticket it would be great. This is pretty common feature to encourage time accountability .
Don Gillis commented
Add an option to use more than one device for auth0 login
Fabian Olteanu commented
Ability to change the columns on the ticket page to others than the default view.
Blackbox Support commented
Please add Online / Offline Total Devices to dashboard
Mirsad Gusic commented
More detailed "Excel-look" for devices in dashboard (for choosed customer) so we can scroll and see many devices in same dashboard.
With "Excel-look" I mean more compact and at the same time more detailed info with possibility to choose (filter) "columns" I want to see, and sort "by column". -
Alan Silvester commented
I'd like to see changes to the contact information screens to allow us to 'click to dial' phone numbers. There needs to be an separate edit button on contacts to modify details rather than just by clicking the items.
Christopher Persaud commented
To have the ability to view more than 10 Devices per page
Information Results commented
I agree with the sentiment to hide certain sections. For example we would not using billing or tickets as those are handled in other systems.