203 results found
Easier way to add time to tickets
The current process for adding time to tickets is not very efficient.
- The automatic timer model doesn’t work very well for in-house IT Departments as we often have people coming into our office asking for help or stopping us in the hallways asking for help so the automatic timer setting doesn’t work as time gets skewed.
- The process for adding manual time is slow as we have to click on the Add time button, wait for the page to load and then add time in an annoying format of HH:MM:SS.
- A faster solution would be to have a drop down…
1 vote -
Compact User Interface
Option to enable a compact view for things like customers and devices. When you get a large number, the big block display with logos is just too big to be useful
26 votes -
Ability to split out email into a new ticket
Sometimes we will have a client respond to an email for an old ticket which adds the email to the old ticket. Having the ability to split out that email into a new ticket would be handy.
Even being able to delete the email from the old ticket would be handy.
36 votesNice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
Add Spanish as a language option
Several members of our IT team speak Spanish as their primary language. It would be nice if Spanish was an option for the admin interface.
8 votes -
Tab-Completion in Terminal/PS window
Would love to be able to use Tab-completion in terminal/ps window when working on a remote computer. I usually have a script to run, but in the few instances that I need to navigate to a folder to run a command, this would come in handy.
4 votes -
On a specific device, under the manage menu, make hi-lo filters for the Task Manager. Sort CPU and Memory by highest or lowest values.
2 votes -
Fix UI on Ticket Automation page
On the ticket automation page, the div for the automation title/description is set extremely short (440px). This leaves the descriptions completely cut of if anything more then approx 10 words. Other than hovering over the description, there is also no easy way to view the descriptions for all the rules at once. A simple CSS adjustment would fix this:
.nameAndDesc {
width: 440px;
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
white-space: nowrap;
}Change the width to something more reasonable (even 640px makes a huge difference). Its unlikely that any users of Atera are using a screen resolution so small that this needs…
1 vote -
per user new look
Would like to be able to have the new look option be per user instead of global so each user can use the look they prefer.
4 votes -
Contacts management list
A new management page for contacts. Would be very useful to delete, move from client or modify several contact at the same time.
8 votes -
Notes field for Devices or custom field (text)
Notes field for Devices or custom field (text) does not allow for carriage returns for formatting. This only allows for continuous one line text. Example:
- Hello
- Goodbye
- Hello Again
It shows up like this on the notes field for devices:
- Hello 2. Goodbye 3. Hello Again
This is not a good way to view our notes on the devices screen. We need to be able to format them.
10 votes -
calendar dashboard
I'd like a calendar dashboard of sorts. Someplace to go to see everything that is scheduled in Atera. And if we could color-code technicians within that calendar for easier identification at a glance.
38 votesNice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
manage context menu
Context menu behavior. On devices in search page, make the context menu shift to stay visible in the window. Currently it is a fixed position which causes issues on smaller screen resolutions or when restarting devices.
1 vote -
Change order of categories in general Search
Currently search returns;
Tickets, Agents, Contacts
This means the top area is cluttered with tickets (including closed tickets) if all i wan is a contact.A better order would be
Contacts, Agents, Tickets1 vote -
Search; allow default search settings (eg make check boxes in search drop-down sticky
I shouldn't have to set search options eveyr time I search for a user. Either make search options sticky, or offer search types (like there are list types) - search agents, search tickets etc.
1 vote -
Forced log out
Forced log out happens randomly about every 24 hours and usually in the middle of a ticket update in the middle of the day - can we have some adjustment for this like forced log out after x minutes/hours idle but if active just remains logged in.
25 votesNice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
I would like a note pad.
It would be great if Atera had some sort of notepad for keeping notes on various things. Maybe just a tab on the left side pane, or maybe per customer or device. This would be a great feature. So far, this is just about the only thing that our old RMM has over Atera. Please, bring us this feature!!! I've seen places for notes, but they are very deep within too many menus.
28 votesNice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
online status for Users on Users tab. Registered user next to computer name in Devices tab.
It would be really handy to show the User next to the computer in the device list. This would allow us to quickly see who is online rather than clicking on the computer and checing who the agent is registered to.
Also related to this, listing the agent registered to the user in the Users details panel on the Users page, also an online/offline indicator (Green/Red dot).
This would be so handy for us to quickly view online status of our homeworking users.
1 vote -
'select all' in the 'patch form'
I really miss the 'select all' in the 'patch form'. Moving the mouse all the way to the left top only to go back to the right bottom seems like an unnecessary motion.
3 votes -
General Sorting of Lists
We need to be able to sort all of the different lists that get created.
This request applies to all of the custom fields and fields that eventually generate interactive drop down lists. Examples include: Quick Reply Templates, Scripts, Product Families, and all custom fields.
Currently, if we need to make an addition to these fields, the new item goes to the bottom of the list and there's no easy way to modify it. If we want to customize the order they're in, or even just alphabetize them, we have to completely remove all of the items in the list…
6 votes -
UI interface based by user instead of account.
Allow some users to decide their own user interface without affecting the rest of the users of the account.
4 votes
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