SLA Customisation
I would like the ability to change the headings for my SLA's so that they match the terminology used in my internal policies... i.e. Critical, High, Medium, Low and Service Request. This would be hugely beneficial to me.

abigael abigael commented
SLA per person or per department, in additional to sites
abigael abigael commented
Need to be able to add different SLAs per contracts.
Under the same contracts, I sometimes do projects and sometimes just standard tickets and they have different type of SLAs. -
Kevin Bruggemans commented
It would be greate if the SLA definition could also be set to fields like Ticket Proiority or Ticket Type instead only to Ticket Impact.
In some cases Incidents must be handled differently than a change or a request even if it have the same Ticket impact - like Minor - or those fields gets hide in the ticketing portal.
Rob Methven commented
We can currently seemingly only use the default SLA headings for ticket response times. However, my contractual SLAs are organised in a matrix, taking account of both the priority and the impact.
Would be nice to be able to create our own SLA matrix that then maps directly into the customer portal and ticketing system.
Charles Hanekom commented
We have certain customers who have "VIP" machines that needs to be supported under a 4hr SLA. Currently Atera only allows us to create 1 SLA per Customer.
It would be a great feature to be able to add certain devices within the Customer on a specific SLA whilst the others be under the standard one. At this moment, we have to create duplicate customers in order to apply the one SLA to 4 devices and then the same customer with the rest of the devices linked to a standard SLA.
Josh Linbourne commented
To be able to change the SLA names.
Barry Hayward commented
Automatic Default Contract Selection / SLA Can you add an automatic default contract on the tickets. When a client logs a ticket by emailing in there is no default contract which in turn selects the SLA to that contract. What happens is that when logging a ticket now there is no SLA assigns so the ticket is not showing its true response time until you select a contract,
Jeff Creedon commented
Different SLAs for Request, Change, Incident and Problem We use requests and changes to be something that could be a development (or feature request like this!) and the SLA that is tied to just priority and impact is not sufficient. Even critical development requests can take weeks to roll out, and we are getting hammered by it being tied to a 4 hour Incident SLA. Thanks
Barry Hayward commented
Default SLA automatic assigning in tickets
- commented
Would like to be able to add/remove SLA impacts when defining criteria. For instance, in our unique configuration we don't really have a need for site down and/or service SLA metrics. I'd like the ability to remove those SLA impacts entirely.
wayne.janneker commented
Ability to change SLA catergories to suit current internal business SLA. We call our SLA catergories P1 P2 P3 P4 NOT Minor Major Critical
andrew.may commented
I would like to be able to change the names of the "impact" categories for SLA Agreements.