Ability to store script variables into device agent custom fields
Say you want to store the result of a script in to a custom filed of the agent. FOr example get the bitlocker recovery key (strange btw Atera does not gather this by design) and store the key in a custom field like
{[Atera.Agent.BitlockCustomFIeld]} = (Get-BitLockerVolume -MountPoint C).KeyProtector.RecoveryPassword
Thanks to you, Atera is better today than it was yesterday! The feature you requested has been implemented and released!
Please refer to our knowledge base for more information about the feature: https://support.atera.com/hc/en-us/articles/215952967-Custom-fields#Script-basedcustomfields
Guillaume DUVAL commented
any update on that part? Superops, Ninja, they all do this...
andra artoni commented
Ability to write into custom fields via script to automatic collect some information
Alex Young commented
I have a script that grabs a license key from the computer and populates it in a custom field but i have to put in the AgentID each time - would it be possible to run a script against an agent and it automatically puts in the agentid for that particular device
Steve Potter commented
The ability to read and write to custom fields in scripts, integration also to the variable field in scripts would be champion.
Guillaume DUVAL commented
It should be awesome to link a custom customer's field to variables in script. So we would be able to install msi with custom keys for example (antivirus deployement). It is possible in other RMMs, this is a must have to go to another level.
for example:
Start-Process msiexec.exe -Wait -ArgumentList '/i c:\mbytes.msi NEBULA_ACCOUNTTOKEN={[Atera.Customer.CustomField.NEBULA_ACCOUNTTOKEN]} /q'
or {[Atera.Agent.CustomField.NEBULA_ACCOUNTTOKEN]} to follow Jurgen's idea -
Phill Barnes commented
Voted!! I would also like this feature, at teh very least I'm looking for an overview of all agents with bitlocker enabled, and this feature to store scripts results into a custom field wouild be very useful not just for that but many other tasks