"Work from Home" Simultaneous Dual-Monitor Support
Allow users to run a simultaneous dual-monitor view rather than only being allowed to switch between monitors. This is counterproductive for our users working remotely.

Congratulations on helping shape Atera! The feature you requested is currently being considered for development. Please be patient as the process can take a while or even stall to make way for other features. We’ll update you once it’s been implemented and released!
Vince Jordan commented
Potentially losing one of my biggest customers because of this. Please can this be actioned asap
Vince Jordan commented
Although you can use the switch screen button for multiple screens you cannot display the 2 screens at the same time. This would be useful for my customers to view both screens at the same time rather than switching
Peter D commented
We lost a customer over this. Atera's version of Splashtop is "limited". Made us and us and Atera look bad.
Norm Palm commented
I have been reluctant to promote the at-home use through Atera as most of my users who would use the at home users require two monitors. Not being able to view two monitors limits their productivity and cause reluctance for them to use Atera for this purpose. I really hope you will pursue this sooner than later!
Jeff Mathews commented
Why is this implemented yet? You have the engine to support it. Majority of all users will benefit for Dual Monitor option. Until this is implemented, Atera will keep losing potential revenue for other solutions. When they do implement this, it might be too late!!
Ståle Gismervik commented
Lost some customers that wanted to use this for work-from-home. They ended up with another solution. We need this solution ourselves too.
Michael commented
I have over 400 endpoints that would use work from home but I don't sell it to them due to how poor quality splash top is. Atera please give us a better splashtop and allow concurrent tech logins. Even if you have to charge more as an option.
Why sell them work from home when I can install anydesk for free and they can log in twice for multi monitor.
Compared to atera splashtop and gimped anydesk version.Get multi monitor working and it's an easy sell.
Mike Floyd commented
We truly need true multi-multi monitor support enabled for WFH environment. Almost everyone is using dual monitors now, it's a must! Thanks!
David Lafferty commented
We Including CUSTOMER need to be able to have MulitMonitor Support. Atera is charging 5.00 for a WORK AT HOME its very striped down on features. In the Customer perspective my CLients need to have MultiMonitor Support
Joel Carson commented
Splashtop has this ability in their standalone product. I just signed up with Atera and cannot believe their implementation doesn't have this. Pretty commonplace in 2021 to have multiple monitors. Please get this feature. Switching between greatly hampers productivity.
Ben Merrill commented
Splashtop supports this already, Atera just needs to implement it/pay for it. In this modern WFH environment this is an absolute necessity and I'm surprised Atera opted to not include it initially when rolling out this feature.
Crystal IT Solutions commented
Work from Home should have true multi-multi monitor support, as so many people now work with multi-monitors at home for added productivity.
Me commented
Hi, I spoke to Splashtop and they said that the only reason simultaneous multi monitor support wasn't included is that Atera doesn't want to pay for it. they said that they quoted Atera and you guys don't want to buy it. There is nothing for you to develop, just pay splashtop.
Dexter Thrift commented
I feel like this is a Splashtop (or whatever remote connection client you are using) problem, but at the same time I 100% agree. There was a time when I could have two windows with dual monitors open while using Atera's Splashtop for RMM but it kind of just... Poofed