Atera Dark Mode
A dark mode option for Atera desktop and mobile app to keep things easy on the eyes
(and conserve battery)

Kim Annas commented
oh good grief. I just saw the post date: Jun 19, 2021. It is now 2025, and these poor folks have been roasting their eyeballs or bogging their browsers w/ extensions for almost 4 years.
I'm new to Atera. I couldn't make it more than a week and I'm out here hunting for answers about dark mode.
Guys, this is the little stuff. :( -
Kim Annas commented
New to Atera. My eyeballs are watering. After an hour all the very light grey accents become optical illusions strobing spots in my vision. I don't even need a full dark mode, I just LESS WHITE MODE. I can put up with a lot of clunky GUIs, as long as I can clearly and easily differentiate visual information. I'm talking basic css here. What can I do to help get this feature into dev?
Drew Walker commented
Would love to have dark mode!
Jonas Benthin Saxild commented
I had a colleague who worked in Atera back in 2019 and they had requested Dark mode back then too =/ i'm starting to loose hope that it'll ever be implemented..
Joseph Schaefer commented
August 17, 2021 is the date of the first comment on this request and this post has 1700 votes. Why have you not implemented this yet? Are you not capable? Seems crazy at this point.
Désirée Mellen-Bard commented
Everything I use during my day to day has darkmode enabled and it's pretty jarring going between Atera and everything else when the background is such a bright white.
Justin Bard commented
Matt M commented
I don't want to use an extension which pulls performance from my browser to render in Dark Mode. -
Davis Clark commented
Having Atera Dark Mode would be awesome! Our IT Department has been wondering if this will be implemented soon. Currently, we are using Dark Reader with Firefox and it works pretty well with Atera!
Josh Lopez commented
Make sure to vote for the leading topic -
Jason commented
Over 3 years and still no dark mode?!?!? There are many reasons for dark mode from comfort to health, should be built into all website where white is the dominant couour.
COOLNETAU commented
LMAO. anything?
Manvir Kaur commented
Yes please include dark mode!
Shanley Yates commented
I really need this in my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Libin Baby commented
A dark mode option for Atera web to keep things easy on the eyes. The white background is making eyes tired. Dark theme can really going to help whenworking at night and working from home.
Allen Bolderoff commented
My eyes are bleeding.
Técnico - commented
It's been a long day without you, my friend
And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
We've come a long way from where we began
Oh, I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
When I see you againdedicated to Atera long way for evaluating dark mode...
3 years!! and still waiting for this!
Alex Boulder commented
Agree. For ppl with eye floaters is VERY MUCH needed!
Josiah Deal commented
Count me in - I'd like to see this too!
Joseph Schaefer commented
Really need this. This is the only thing in my day to day that does not have a dark mode. Typing this out with a terrible headache and your bright interface is making it worse.