203 results found
Auditability and compliance
Are you using the Atera Activity Log feature? Would you like us to record any other activities here? Share your auditability and compliance needs
68 votes -
Backup Passwords
The ability to export or backup passwords. We had an issue recently where a password was overwritten. This ability would be extremely useful.
26 votesHey, thanks for posting your feedback!
Adding manual tags is available, please refer to this knowledge base article for more information: https://support.atera.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011044199-Use-Ticket-Tags-#h_01FCB81V2DYEAP6ZYZJGNW56SW
Allow agent to use multiple sessions to allow multi monitor use without nag message
Very simple I've noticed a new marketing message trying to sell an addional agent licence because I'm logged into Atera twice. Techically I'm not using 2 licences I'm simply spreading interface items across mulitple monitors. I only ever initiate a machine connection from always the same instance. I use the second session to look at tickets, call up passwords, check documentation. I use 4 monitors and a single webpage session just doesn't cut in these days and navigation gets rather clumsy moving round the same session. The main issue is its not always possible to lock a contact to an…
3 votes -
Scheduled custom scripts and templates
I switched to Atera from Kaseya VSA. So far I'm loving the simplicity, ease of use, and much more reasonable pricing of Atera in comparison. One of the few things that I do miss about Kaseya VSA, however, was the ability to keep a library of scripts (command prompt, powershell, terminal, etc). They could be organized into folders and subfolders, and had permission based sharing - so you could make specific scripts and folders accessible to everyone, restricted groups (such as employees or managers), or keep it private so only you could access them. Kaseya VSA had a large pre-installed…
6 votes -
Wake on Lan Automation
Wake on Lan for Updates via Automate
8 votes -
Approve scripts before executing
Ability to approve scripts before they get executed. Hackers are exploiting RMM to install ransomware, having an approve button before a script runs could prevent mass ransomware deployment if our RMM ever gets compromised.
35 votesNice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
White Label Login Portal For Technician
Instead of having a technician log in to app.atera.com, have my own custom domain (ex. app.mydomain.com) instead to access the portal to login to the dashboard. Similar to what https://www.gohighlevel.com/ is doing. True white label SaaS.
22 votesNice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
Restrict IP Permissions with subnets or include Geo blocking
Currently the restrict to specific IP addressing is set to a single IP address.
If the IP address restriction allowed subnet masks, then it would be easier to add our ISP's to the list - so when we are roaming we could still access Atera without a VPN.
For example, instead of just the IP address: allow the subnet votesNice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
Office deployment bug in a software bundle
The parameters text field is not available for the Microsoft Office deployment tool in the Software bundle. Since only the parameter can specify what exact office product needs to be installed, in a bundle can be installed only a default product - Microsoft Office Home and Business 2016. I consider it a bug.
2 votes -
Develop Atera better rather than suggesting feature updates that get ignored
I’ve been an Atera Customer for a few years now and I’m still getting frustrated with the lack of progress with the development of Atera.
I get sick of finding an issue with Atera and then being told to log it as a feature request when its obviously a development oversite.
The basics that your opposition does is a feature request for Atera.
So can we all vote on a feature request for Atera to start to get their act into gear.5 votes -
Automatic Refresh of Devices page
There needs to be an option that allows you to set the page refresh interval per technician account. This should affect all pages while logged in.
27 votesNice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
Limit atera sign in to mac address
Limit atera sign in to mac address. so only my supplied computers can have access to atera but not restricted to to a location via IP
4 votes -
Synchronize Atera with Tiime Accounting ( https://www.tiime.fr/ )
Synchronize Atera with Tiime Accounting ( https://www.tiime.fr/ )
2 votes -
Fil d'ariane / breadcrumb
Have a breadcrumb to make it easier to return to the step just before and facilitate navigation in each menu - Avoir un fil d'Ariane afin d'avoir plus facile a revenir a l'étape juste avant et faciliter la navigation dans chaque menu
4 votes -
I will have the ability to chose if I use the 2FA or not!
7 votes -
Password Manager
Eine Funktion, dass man sich mit einem Klick auf ein Gerät oder eine Website verbinden kann und das Passwort und der Benutzer wird automatisch eingegeben. Bzw. einen Button mit dem man die Hinterlegte Website direkt Aufrufen kann.
2 votes -
Better Granularity of user roles
Would like to give technicians full permissions to specific customers, don't wan't to assign "full admin access".
Things like create folder, add computers to folders does not work if you haven't assigned "full admin access"
20 votesNice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
clean up old request
some of the features being voted are already in place making feature board cluttered and time consuming cycling through ideas.
3 votes -
Cannot edit the file type of a script
The UI gives the impression that you can edit the script type - but actually you cannot - you have to delete it and start all over again.
23 votesNice! The feature you requested is being considered for development. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
My Script backups
A way to backup everything in "My Scripts" to a zip file or to backup individual or a group of scripts with a download button
20 votesNice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
- Don't see your idea?