Allow agent to use multiple sessions to allow multi monitor use without nag message
Very simple I've noticed a new marketing message trying to sell an addional agent licence because I'm logged into Atera twice. Techically I'm not using 2 licences I'm simply spreading interface items across mulitple monitors. I only ever initiate a machine connection from always the same instance. I use the second session to look at tickets, call up passwords, check documentation. I use 4 monitors and a single webpage session just doesn't cut in these days and navigation gets rather clumsy moving round the same session. The main issue is its not always possible to lock a contact to an agent as people move between machines so I often find myself doing a search to see what machine a user is on. Can we get rid of the nag message. If you want to prevent customers (us) from using a single licence for mulitple support people simply add a no remote control login option to limit remote control to a single licence instance.