Ticket Type in the Ticket Automation Rule
Make the "Ticket Type" available in the Ticket automation rule>>> Conditions>>>Ticket Field

Hey all,
We've introduced the ability to set the Ticket Type both in the Condition and Action part of our ticket automation rules!
This will allow you to both set the ticket type based on automated actions (such as the ticket creation) and to check the ticket type as a condition for different automation.
You can read more about ticket automation rules here: https://support.atera.com/hc/en-us/articles/360018434920
We hope you enjoy this new feature!
Brian Frappier commented
Would also like to be able to set the default for this. Everything starts as "incident" which isn't correct for us.
James Vandenberg commented
Yes! We have almost zero incidents, almost all our tickets are Requests. We should have the ability to change the Default Ticket Type for new tickets
James Vandenberg commented
This is a great idea, it seems a bit silly not to be able to use the Ticket Type in the Ticket Automation Rules
James Vandenberg commented
To be able to change the default Ticket Type to any available type as default when new tickets are created and add Ticket Type as a Field Value that is available when creating Ticket automation rules.
Bryan Henson commented
As it currently stands "Ticket Type" is a useless field because it can't be used to create triggers/automations and it also can't be disabled. We should be able to edit the field values and create automations based off of the type of ticket being submitted.
Jody Long commented
If we are going to work in an ITIL compliant environment, I think you should be able to change the default ticket type to be REQUEST. More items come in as Service Requests than they do as INCIDENTS.
Lee Mayzes commented
Being able to automate Ticket Type
Jeff Creedon commented
Ticket Automation based on Product Family>Product selection I need the ability to change the Ticket Type based on the what is selected on the Product Family. (or even other Custom Fields). For instance if the Product Family is Phones and the Product is New Phone Report, I would like the Ticket Type to automatically change from the default (incident) to "Request." Or have the Product Family "User Setup" and any Product under it change the Ticket Type to "Change"
Qubiti Support commented
Change Ticket Type via Ticket Automation Rules
a.franchini commented
Ticketing: define default value of ticket type