Remove Admin from Auto assignment to ticket
Ability to remove the admin from being auto-assigned for tickets.

Brandon Boyd commented
we want only front-line techs to be auto assigned tickets
Miguel Jimenez commented
The automatic assignment of tickets is very helpful to reduce SLAs and to keep techs accountable.
In our organization, the Admin (company owner) does not need to be involved in autoassignment of tickets, but the Admin role does not allow to disable the role.
Please make the auto assignment of tickets under the Roles a choice to be disabled for Admins.
Thank you.
Stuart Hill commented
Fully support this idea - the users who manage the Atera setup may not be the one who should triage the incoming tickets, here we assign that task to level 1 techs.
We have tried to implement a multi-user "ignore from auto-assign" but failed to find a solution even with the help from Atera support.
We've resolved to work *with* the system as it is currently and only have one user at Admin level where ticket-auto-assignment rules REassign tickets back to the Lv1 tech when given to the admin.
Brad A commented
So much yes on this. I, as an owner, am heavily involved in watching tickets, SLAs and making sure operations are running smoothly. I am also the one that pays the Atera bill. Why do I have to give myself a custom role.... I AM the admin. This could easily be resolved with a checkbox when editing a technician to include or exclude them in the auto assignment. 1 flag in the database tied to that user, and the auto assignment rule just has to check the flag. If its set to exclude then skip and go to the next technician
Ron Demeny commented
For the Admin role the default for:
Ticketing Automated Assignment should be set to
DO NOT Include user in the auto-assignment list found in Ticket Automation Rules
With the option to change the setting without having to create a new role.
HR, Accounting, Owners, NOC, and Escalation need higher-level access without being auto-assigned tickets that should be going to the helpdesk. -
Shaun Jacques commented
Option to remove admins from auto ticket assignment.