SNMP: MIB import instead of manual OID typing
OID's are generally provided by the hardware manufacturers, or can be found in so-called OID repositories, where collections of MIB trees and the corresponding OIDs can be accessed.
Scenario: Add the IP of an HP switch and then choose the correct template.

Hello, Thanks so much for submitting your idea! It’s currently under review by our product team, and should a decision be reached to develop it, we’ll keep you in the loop!
Justin Gibson commented
Even Auvik has this.
Matthew James Mifsud commented
The AI OID feature does not work well. We need MIB - it is simpler and more effective as device manufacturers provide this themselves.
Adrian Nettemeyer commented
Es wird so langsam wirklich Zeit das hier etwas passiert. Seit 2021 wird das immer wieder gepusht. SNMP ist zur Überwachung von etlichen Geräten essentiell.
Wann wird da was passieren? Was heißt in Planung? Dieser Status besteht schon länger. -
Dave Webster commented
I remember suggesting this back when we started using atera must be 2017/18 time.
Every so often I log in to the new ideas portal and see its still here getting kicked along.
I do actually like atera but sometime this wave of despair comes over me when I see things like this.And yes I am the OP!
:D -
Troy Graham commented
At least the ability to import a mib file would help!!!
Nathan Ramsden-Lock commented
IT-Service Torlitz wrote:- Hi, "planned" since june 2021...... sorry, the responsible person should be fired"
but it just not as exciting as playing around with AI integration - doh!
IT-Service Torlitz commented
Hi, "planned" since june 2021...... sorry, the responsible person should be fired
Diskel Support commented
there is nothing worse than adding 48 OID's several times for each monitor option on a 48 port switch only to discover you cannot reorder or edit them to (only name) if you missed a port number. in order to do this you have to delete one OID at a time, there is no multi select option,
Jan Ziegler commented
Please add ASAP
Primary ICT Support commented
Please add ASAP
Alex Harding commented
What would make this even better is if it could auto-detect the Server make and model and query SNMP.
For example, with N-able you can install the agent onto the server and it will give you the health of all of the physical drives, not just the RAID.This is vital for us to monitor server health.
Daniel Albers commented
Are there any news on this? Is Atera active on Uservoice to begin with?
Patrick Fasser commented
More than one year gone and no answer of Atera whatsoever. It is frustrating that other RMMs even have some supplier-MIBs integrated and Atera has no real SNMP monitoring available with templates or custom import
Jason C commented
I'm no SNMP expert but I concur with previous comments. SNMP support / functionality with Atera is limited and FRUSTRATING.
Why not start with something basic that would support widest swath of equipment first: IE: Get status from Cisco Routers for ethernet, so as to effectivly monitor a network segment, and then report if thresholds exceeded. I mean, Solar winds gives away Bandwidth Monitor for FREE and it works like a champ, albiet with no logging / bells whistles.
Brett McNerney commented
I am assuming this is now dead and no happening since its been discussed for several years about it being done and so far nothing or any talk of it actually happening?
river river commented
Common device lists with links to vendor site and/or OID repo's doesn't seem that difficult to implement and could be done without danger of infringement as most companies know how maze like the documentation can be (looking right at you HP/HPE/land of broken links...)
ITTCOM Service commented
pls. make it live
Brett McNerney commented
Ok so been 6 months any actual ETA on when this will happen?
UTCL Administration commented
I see this is marked as "Planned" half a year ago. Any progress?
I can not begin to tell you how frustrating it is dealing with SNMP templates. Why would they show up in random order, and order that may change from day to day or hour to hour. Who would do something like that and say, "yup, that's what I wanted"?
It is imperative that sort order gets fixed on these templates. When there are many OIDs, it NEEDs to be in the order I say, not some random order.
I believe the ideal should be that:
a) Template order is the same as order entered. This means that what I see when initially making the template is how it will show on device.
b) OIDs in both the "OIDs Values" area and the "Monitored OIDs" area need to be re-arranged as required.
c) Sort by column or some other sort mechanism.We create templates in order to make all devices of a given device type and model the same.
For example, EVERY TIME I use the template I created for MS810 Printer, IT MUST display (among other things), Toner max impressions followed by Toner remaining impressions, IN ORDER. When you re-arrange things, it means that everyone looking at it needs to read the OID and determine what each value refers to, rather than having every MS810 different.Currently, your SNMP templates are next door to useless.
Andrew commented
Not to reinvent the wheel, but given you already have a SNMP Template library, why not just add a MIB library.
This will allow for different regions to upload customised MIB's in different languages, or alternative translations etc.