203 results found
Have an API key just for different users
Having only 1 API key is limiting. If I have a junior dev, and I want him to develop some API things, but I don’t want him to have access to delete commands, and commands that could be disruptive, develop a framework so we need to know that the api work properly. API call change do a lot, Granularity for users. Have an API key just for one user
10 votes -
Tech and login to a system
I'm struggling with Atera security!
I not only me as Business Owner require that , but other business owners need that option is well, that very important security future.
Since COVID a lot of people continue to operate from home and are required by the policy to sign out and sign back into a Atera.
Not all people do it and not follow it.How I can make I, or MY TECH session end in 8 hours, and if the I or tech login from another different ip has to log in and make 2fa? In Atera session just continue. …
2 votes -
Ability to modify forgot password email template
I love that Atera has customizable email templates - we've built out a good collection of these already for various responses that our users will get from Atera in their inboxes.
One very lacking email capability however is there is no ability to modify the template for the forgot password process.
As it stands, this current stock template has 3 of the "red flags" that we train our users against in our Security Awareness Training, due to how it's worded and how links are presented.
Could we please have the ability to modify this email template as well?
3 votes -
threshold : list the servers according to their profile
We find that servers do not have a "Threshold Profile".
From my exchange with support, there is no solution to list servers without a profile or with a specific profile like "None" or whatever.
Can you add this function please.
Waiting for your return,
3 votes -
Search for Technician to get ID for ticket creation and updates
There is no way to retrieve the Technician ID required for assigning an agent to a ticket through the current endpoints for Creation and Update.
Expose Technician ID in an endpoint
Expose Technician Email in an endpoint.This way we can scale atera into allowing our software to directly assign an agent depending on their skill set.
1 vote -
Activity logs for IT Automation + Threshold Profiles
Activity logs for IT Automation + Threshold Profiles
9 votes -
Using Assets in tickets
It would be very useful if we would be able to select an asset when creating (or working on) a ticket.
We want to use the assets feature to keep track of our customer's printers. If we also manage the pc/server/... we can install the Atera agent but that is not always an option, unfortunately. If we can attach assets to the tickets we can easily filter and keep track of the issues we've had to deal with.
11 votes -
Section to enter and manage my vendors. For example, the name of partner, support contract info, contact information, etc.
Section to hold the information about my partners and vendors. For example, the name, address, contract information, contact information, costs of subscription maintenance and alerts before the contracts expire.
3 votes -
Admin account without licence, licensing only for management.....
It is really annoying that there is no granularity in permissions.
I should be possible to be admin without licence just to manage the tenant wich is not possible now. Management roles and user end roles aren't separated levels.
Permissions should permit to create user profiles allowed to do everything except management such as changing licensing or viewing invoices wich concerns management not technicians. Payments method is saved so no control on bills
IMO Actual user management is lacking this VERY important nuance. Very urgent implementing this otherwise not suited for large/well structured companies137 votesNice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
Install agent activity on activity log
Install agent activity on activity log
8 votes -
Password manager
Have a button to copy the username, not just the password. and have a built-in password creator
5 votes -
Customer based ticket custom field
I would like to ability to assign different ticket field data (Ticket field Templates) to different customer or an away to assign any custom field to a particular customer's customer portal.
IE. Customer A doesn't need the same data fields as customer B. As simply as customer B only uses Macs, so removing all the fields with Window's related data.
4 votes -
During Azure "Import Setup", add "Company Name" to classification options
Long story short: Add "Company Name" to the list of classification options during Azure AD Synchronization Setup
When trying to use the "Import Setup" step of the Azure AD sync, only "Office" and "Department" are listed as options for identifying which Site to add the users to. In our business case I'm over IT for 6 separate operating entities under one umbrella company (each daughter company has its own set of offices and departments so using either of these fields would get messy fast). On top of this, all of our companies work together to some extent, so we…
1 vote -
Option to switch to multiple accounts in Atera
Sign in to multiple accounts in same browser and switch between them with ease and avoid logging in and out all the time or opening incognito windows to sign in multiple accounts. As we have more than one atera account we are managing this option will really make our lives easier.
1 vote -
Snmp threshold on existing Monitored OIDs
Snmp threshold on existing Monitored OIDs is currently not editable. Meaning that I have to delete and add OID again to set a new threshold when something is changing (e.g. Ram, CPU, Diskspace)
7 votes -
Password Manager
Password manager within Atera that we can export and provide to customers when needed. Something easy, clean.
151 votesNice! The feature you requested is being
reviewed by our product team. We
ll keep an
eye on the number of votes, and let you know if
a decision is reached to implement. Thank you
for being a partner in our process!
Folder rules to populate devices based on criteria.
It would be nice to create rules or filters for folders to auto-populate devices within the folders. A lot of times customers have many locations, and being able to auto-populate devices under a specific folder would be a welcome change. Some Criteria idea's that would be helpful for my team:
Subnet Range
Device Type
WAN IP Address (The most useful for my team)
Device Type (Server, Workstation)
Device OS
CPU Type
Hardware VendorIn addition, allowing IT Automations and reports to run against Customer folders would would solve a lot of requests.
Integration with IT Glue to sync over the…
7 votes -
Get invoices/tickets from specific date with API
Instead of having to pull all invoices/tickets with each call, it would be great to be able to specify an invoice/ticket date or even better, specifying two dates and get all invoices between those two dates.
1 vote -
Get invoices/tickets from specific date with API
Instead of having to pull all invoices/tickets with each call, it would be great to be able to specify an invoice/ticket date or even better, specifying two dates and get all invoices between those two dates.
1 vote -
MFA: give the option to choose when the MFA is required. everyday, every 3 days, once a week.
MFA: give the option to choose when the MFA is required. everyday, every 3 days, once a week.
1 vote
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