Parent & Child ticket relations
Ability to create tickets that are master tickets with sub tickets attached to it. mainly for bigger projects.
This will for example Created a Project, within that project multiple tickets link to it where one could see how far % a project is, whats completed, whats not.

Nathaniel McQuaid commented
Be able to associate multiple tickets, as tasks or otherwise, to a parent ticket. It would be nice to be able to navigate the child tickets from within the parent ticket as well.
jded commented
This is very important to us. At the moment we are having to use standard tickets for projects, but there are no stages for progress/sign-off, we cannot crate tickets/tasks that fall under larger projects, and using the standard tickets for projects (that often are open for long periods of time) is skewing our support metrics such as average ticket closure time, which is very frustrating.
Tim Oakes commented
We get a ticket that Credit Cards aren't working at Branch 1. And then another from Branch 10. And then another from Branch 20. And then another ticket from someone else in Branch 10, because people don't like to talk to each other.
The Incident is now a Problem. Unfortunately, we don't have an elegant way of managing this Problem in Atera Ticketing. Sure, I can merge all of the tickets into the first one, treating it as the "Main" ticket since it was first in, but then any updates to that ticket only go to the submitter of that ticket.
Unless, of course, I adjust the To: and Cc: to include the other people. That's a hassle though, because what if I forget someone? What if I am not a good typist and typo an email address? What if something else happens that I'm not thinking about here? Plus, just the time of adding all those people. Two or three, maybe not that bad. We're a company of ~160 people; if they all put in tickets for the Problem, as we train them to do, I've got a lot of work ahead of me.
Okay, we all know I'm not getting a ticket from everyone, that just doesn't ever happen. :)But ultimately - We need a way to aggregate Incidents into a Problem ticket, so we can:
1. Track it consistently
2. Communicate updates consistently
3. Have a way to go back when management asks to point to who followed proper protocol of notifying IT that there was an issue -
Justin Scott commented
Second this for use case where multiple users or clients are affected by same issue.
Way this works in Zendesk is that a reply to the master ticket replies to all child-tickets, and closing master ticket closes all child tickets.
James Bowyer commented
Great idea for big projects with lost of small jobs