Multiple threshold profiles on device
Add ability to add multiple threshold profiles onto device
e.g. one for device monitoring (disk space, cpu usage) and add another for monitored events or services

Nice! The feature you requested is being reviewed by our product team. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
Dimitri Feron commented
I hope to get this service up and running fairly quickly, because it is quite important in my decision to migrate to your solution.
ryan mackner commented
Please add this feature ASAP as it's standard across all available RMMs.
razorbyte systems commented
Any update on this? This is such a basic feature IMO. Core features like this should be worked on before flash AI is rolled out. It is a management headache not being able to stack multiple thresholds.
Ian Glover commented
Really need this to be a thing....When I need to monitor multiple different Windows service states on a select few machines I should be able to apply this to only those machines with out having to created dedicated profiles for EACH machine
Pentasoft commented
I've recently been using Atera and all in all it's a balanced tool in terms of cost and functionality... I'm thrilled by the fact that only one profile can be applied, this means that I have to create a single profile for each type of agent to monitor when it would be easier create ad hoc profiles (hardware monitoring, monitoring parameters of certain services) and then apply them at discretion
Julian Brennum commented
This is critical! It makes no sense to only be able to add one profile per device/agent.
Dirk Blankenburg commented
It will make threshold profile distribution much easier!
Andre Befort commented
This is really critical. ATM we need a new Profile for nearly every Server.
Patrick Aigelsreiter commented
That should be a basic feature !!
Patrick Gniza commented
Multiple threshold profiles on device - Killer Feature
Kenneth Qvistgaard Dalbjerg commented
Must have!.
Jim Rossi commented
love it. seems similar or the same as -
Michael Mayr commented
That feature is a MUST HAVE!
Walter Grau commented
Yes i need this.
My szenario is the following:
Fixed Threshold to system disk like 30GB
Threshold to data disk in %
For example:
you are monitoring a system containing a archive system
System 128 GB
Volume for archive 6 TB
A threshold in % dont match to the data disk, because 20% of 6TB are still lot of space (depending on the growth of data) and create a sensless alert.
If you use total GB it dont matches to the systemdiskit would help to help to have mulitple thresholds.
Support IT commented
Add multiple alert profiles. Like: Receive warnings on weekdays on And receive critical alerts on evenings and on the weekend to