Change Threshold profiles to use a Parent/Child relationship model
It would be nice if threshold profiles were overhauled to use a system that uses a default parent profile and then you just create child profiles that contain deviations from the parent profile, for example, say for example we decide that on most devices we want to change the space alert from 90% to 95%, at the moment you have to go through and update every single profile that you have created.
What would be nicer is if that all additional profiles inherited the settings in the parent profile and then you just tweak anything that you want to disable or override.
So If I have a server that has a different brand of AV on it from the one on all the other servers, i can create a new profile based on the parent profile just unselect that check from the baseline profile and add the the new alert. This will make it easier to make sure that any changes to the parent settings are applied to all child profiles instantaneously.
Basically replicate the way NTFS permissions inherit.

Nice! The feature you requested is being considered for development. We’ll keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Thank you for being a partner in our process!
Michael McClure commented
PLEASE!!! Implement this.
Tom Stanke commented
Yes! I am new to Atera and was surprised there wasn't a more flexible way to build up a monitoring "Threshold Set". I like the way you (Nathan) defined this -- have a base monitoring set and then be able to add additional threshold sets that either override the base or add to it. For example, the default thresholds for network activity are good for a 100Mbps network, but are low for a 1Gbps network. It would be nice if I could define a "Threshold Set" for "Server on 1GB Network" and add that to the Standard Server Threshold.
If this is too much of a change for how the agent works (the agent is constructed to only handle a single Threshold set), it would be nice to have a "Threshold Set Builder" where one can assemble what they need (start with a base set and combine it with previously defined sets of thresholds from a library that either augment or override the base) and have a new, single threshold set generated.
Scott Hoffman commented
Excellent Nathan! I thought the same idea, but I would like to have a list of thresholds and would like them to be all unrelated. I don't see a need for parent-child relationships. However, I do see a use for groups.
I would then envision the same UI as the IT Automation profile where the MSP can add multiple threshold profiles(groups of thresholds) or individual threshholds. If a group is updated, then all references to the group will be updated. This would also have the same exclusion capabilities as your checkbox suggestion uncheck to exclude, check to include for specific endpoints.
For instance:
Use the same UI for the existing thresholds but also be able to create new custom thresholds, and then reference the thresholds in groups. I suppose groups could reference other groups as well.
I think it would also be good to have a description field, and a suggested action field to not only alert but offer a description action or resolution and whether or not there is an automation that is called. If an automation is called like a script, then also offer the name of the script and its action.
Threshold Library:
CustomEventThreshold: Disk Event ID 11, Critical, Description, Suggested Action
CustomEventThreshold: Disk Event ID 15, Critical, Description, Suggestion Action, Called Script(script defines the description of the script so no need to require it again here. The description should be referenced by the script itself.Threshold Group: Disk Thresholds
Disk Event ID 11(from exampe above above)
Disk Event ID 15Ability to apply group threshold to Customer or Endpoint
Example: assign thresholds to customer profile or explicit endpoint
Jerry-PC Threshold Profile(s): Disk Thresholds, RAM Thresholds, Motherboard Thresholds,Alert Communication Type (Email, App notification, SMS message), AutoCreateTicket...ALERT
Device: Jerry-PC
Threshold Group:(if referenced in a group)
Threshold Alert Type: Critical
Threshold Item: Disk Event ID 11
Threshold Suggestion Action: Run chkdsk /f /r, and run backup image of drive immediately, consider replacing disk drive very soon.
Scripts Called:
RunChkdskOnDevice - Runs disk repair on disk - Success
RunFullDiskImageBackup - Runs full disk image backup - SucessCommunication Sent:
Email: Desc: shared emailbox
Notify In App: Yes
SMS Text: Johnny(sms number), Sallie(sms number) -
Kenneth Qvistgaard Dalbjerg commented
Must have
Patrick Fasser commented
Very helpful for different services which need to be restarted if a service stops
Had the same idea: -
Vincenzo Convertito commented
I was going to ask for the same functionality and instead someone had already thought about it! A very useful feature that avoids unnecessary repetition and errors.