Network Discovery: Security Audit
We'll scan any given network and asses the security focus on:
Installed Antivirus
- AV 1 (version, last scan)
- ...........
- AV n (version, last scan)
Anti Spyware
Open ports (both workstations/servers and SNMP devices)
What would you like to see in addition?

Garry Hasty commented
It would be nice to have the ability to have some sort of ignore button so when we investigate a CVE and rule it a false positive, we have a way to determine that we already checked that CVE and can move on.
Carlos Mercado commented
If we can scan the computer for PII and PHI that would be great. We need to show our client\prospect the risk associated with having these types of files on the computer.
ITGSI Support commented
Syslogs / Event Logs - aggregated and parsed into a BI tool/dashboard for "birds eye level" views of issues. Syslogs/Event Logs offer a wealth of CISSP related information when it is presented and understood by the administrator/tech.
Nicolas Melquiond commented
the ability to scan through a VPN for customers who have multiple locations
Michael commented
Integration with CyberCNS would be good, they already integrate into other PSA/RMM's.
TowerTech Technician commented
For PCI Compliance it would be brilliant if it would be integrated in the scan so you can just send it off. Perhaps the easy ability to create a network diagram would be useful as most compliance companies want to see a clear overview of the whole network and it`s usage
Ingest Service commented
A vulnerability scanner alike Nessus or Qualys would be a very important addition, even if that scanner was basic in support (Port scans and basic vulnerability report or running services), just to get that part of the business covered on one platform and allow more advanced options to be an external add-on service, like Nessus or Qualys.
I would use this!
Lucas Nager commented
Please include the Bitlocker or encryption status of a drive
Steve Potter commented
I would like if it is to be worthwhile the options to do standard OWASP Zap scans, OpenVAS network vulnerability scans, NMap port scans, I believe all these are open source too.
Carlos Mercado commented
A true vulnerability scan should have the following: scan for antivirus, update definitions, last scan, missing patches, open ports, mapped drives, firewall status, and scan for PII and PHI on the device.
euskodata sa commented
scanning vulnerabilities cve
Alex Leon commented
Am new to Atera and been struggling with this network discovery tool for weeks since the techs are not clear as to what it can do or cannot do. For example it does not have the ability to scan multiple networks or ability to type in the networks you need scanned. I have to onboard a large client on multiple networks and this cannot be done unless the DC is on the same network as the stations or I won't be able to deploy agents. The technicians couldn't even suggest an alternative solution as to how to handle this problem. Product is very green and technicians need training as to what the product can or cannot do or at least suggest an alternative.
1. Ability to scan multiple networks (allow user to type in networks addresses to scan) to gain the ability of onboard multiple stations in one sweep.
2. Option to automatically install agent on newly discovered computers. -
Oliver Tait commented
Vulnerability scan with CVSS would be great.
John Elick commented
security changes to files and folders
David Yoder commented
I like this idea, but I think most people using Atera are already using a separate security product. If not, there are many products (even free ones) that can do a basic network security audit.
This feature as described here doesn't seem useful to me. However, what would be highly useful, and probably a unique feature, would be to instead scan/test for network best practices. Not firewalls and AV info, but things like detecting Windows shares that allow Everyone read/write access.
Basically if Atera could incorporate the main features of Microsoft's Best Practices Analyzer so we could run it against older Windows Servers and Windows 7/8/10 clients - that would be *huge*.
Eric Sayles commented
Device manufacture via MAC would be helpful.
WABSYS Support commented
Security report detailing out-of-date software and hardware, as for the network side all shares on the endpoint (connected to and serving) and VPN's open, network ports open, alerts on BitTorrent connections, no firewall enabled, no AV, and which version of SMB is allowed
Domenico Genco commented
Vulnerability Report would be very useful.
SARL NAC-6 commented
Detection of vulnerabilities (software and operating system)