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  1. Looking for a solution that sends a notification to everyone once an alert has been resolved.

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  2. We should be able to select multiple devices from the Alert screen and have the option to run a script like under the devices screen. This way we can easily see the device the alert type and then run whatever script we need to to help remediate the alert.
    The device page doesn't give enough details about the alert.

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  3. An alert is created when a customer or device has more than xx number of patches. This would indicate that the device is failing to run patches/offline and requires investigation.

    The idea would greatly assist us as the current schedule report takes so long to go through with so many devices to check

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  4. It would be really helpful for unmonitored workstation alerts to provide some relevant information such as an IP address, MAC address, or name. The current alerts give no useable information for identifying the device.

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  5. It would be nice to be able to exclude certain windows event errors from sending an e-mail. Not the event ID but the particular error message if it is not causing an issue with the system.

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  6. Please increase notifications so that you can choose a specific client for new open tickets before assigned, it will also be awesome that these notifications come up on android auto, so if I leave early I don't have to check my cell all the time while driving, it can pop up like a whatsapp message on android auto and read it aloud, you guys know we always trying to access when we not at the office, the app needs some consideration, I also can't push any scripts from the app

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  7. It would be nice for the HelpDesk agent to be able to send push alerts/notifications when tickets are updated/changed, when there is a known system outage, etc.

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  8. In the Get Alerts API, some sort of Contact information should be shown so there is a way to notify the final users about the alert. If at least the Contact/User ID is shown then we can retrieve the contact information needed from the Get Contact by ID API.

    I've reported this to the chat support and they told me so far there is no possible connection to match the data. It would be great to add this as this will help to make more use of the alerts, otherwise its some manual work to go and look for the…

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  9. I would like to know if possible, that when an alert expires, it also could disappear from the list.

    For example:
    Alert gets created that the memory threshold is exceeding 80%, but after a couple of minutes, the memory use drops again below 80%. When this is the case we would like to know if the alert can get automatticaly resolved

    Another example: Alert gets created that status of a certain device is unknown, but 5 minutes later this device is back online, also in this scenario I would like to know if the initial created alert can be automatically…

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  10. There needs to be a way to have Windows desktop alerts for when a customer submits a ticket, not just for alerts generated by thresholds. It will greatly improve resolution times and productivity (and is something that ServiceNow has had enabled for at least ten years).

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  11. Dear Team,
    is it possible to create a feature which would send an email for users who needs reboot (weekly, monthly)? Thank you.

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  12. Apply an Alert Threshold by agent type. IE only apply to servers or workstations

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  13. Would be nice to have a sweet Atera HoneyPot and rich alerts showing up in Atera Alerts when the honey is tasted.

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  14. It would be great if the real value is also displayed in the case of an alarm relating to disk utilization. For example "The disk utilization (C:) 87.81% (43.90 GB of 50 GB) is higher than the threshold value of 80.00%"
    This would allow us to see at first glance on the dashboard whether you need to act quickly or whether you can process it a little later.

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  15. Currently we have several alerts setup for thing like user lockouts, security group changes, new accounts added, etc. Unfortunately those alerts scroll away quickly and are often missed because they are considered "informational".

    We need the ability to change the alerting severity in Atera, instead of just matching the status that shows in Windows Event Viewer. While Windows may consider someone getting added to the admin group in active directory informational, to me that may be critical and a sign of a hacker in the system.

    Being able to setup alerts from windows events that don't have to match the…

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  16. The ALERTS triangle does not clear alerts after the alerts page clears an event.
    If multiple techs are working and the alerts show for all devices - even those that are cleared, causes extra work and duplication of a tech reviewing an alert that is not existent but exists at the triangle. Plus they don't go away so you never can see which is the most recent.

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  17. Battery threshold alarm, please...
    Not currently available in the custom section (like hd space etc...)

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  18. It would be good to receive an email alert about a contract nearing expiry, e.g. block of hours contract. Currently have to rely on seeing the notification when logging into Atera.

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  19. Hallo Atera,
    gibt es eine Möglichkeit den Schwellenwert der Verfügbarkeitsüberwachung anzupassen? Sprich den Wert zum Beispiel auf 10 Minuten oder mehr zu erhöhen?
    Mit freundlichen Grüßen
    Marius Feitz

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  20. We need the ability to monitor hard drive temperature alerts differently for different drives.
    We can separate drives for disk USAGE and need to be able to for temps as well.

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