Show newly CC'd emails in a ticket reply
Contacts sometimes do not cc the required end user on their initial request. Then when they do cc them it is not shown in atera at all and that address is also not populated into the cc field. The only way to actualyl see the cc'd address is to log into the mailbox used for the atera ticketing and locate who was cc'd.
This should be adjusted to allow us to view exactly who a ticket reply was sent to and cc'd to for each message sent and received.
Hey all,
Happy to share that from now on, addresses that were CCed by end users will be reflected in the ticket conversastion.
We hope this new minor yet important improvement will help your day to day!
Thank you for the suggestion and effort to make Atera better,
abigael abigael commented
Inability to see who the requester CCed when replying to tickets.
Scott Graham commented
Would you please be able to modify your email to ticket code where fw: is included in the ticket to also add the CC'd email addresses to the CC field?