Ticket Search - Search within tickets to find previously solved issues
It Would be great to have a option to search within tickets.
Problems and applied solutions are described within tickets.
It would be great to have a way to search in this treasury box to find solutions.
Search should be a free search on words as: Internet - Printer - Outlook - firewall - RDS etc etc. The Search should ideally search within ticket title, conversation and timesheets.
I know the feature exists in Autotask and it was a feature we used a lot! We like Atera better but we really miss this option.
Tickets are holding a treasury of information!!

Jesse Wulf commented
With the integration of AI, and the cost, I have a hard time understanding how this is not built in functionality. My expectation in a ticket system is to track progress, track time and most importantly, use that data to make my life easier the next time I run into the same issue. Currently, Atera cannot search and find anything in previous tickets. All that data sitting there... useless.
Ben Tolson commented
Ahh, another BASIC feature Atera has seemingly never figured out how to do.
Jeremy Strain commented
I'm thinking the exact same thing. "I know I ran into this issue before" type problems are the perfect reason to be able to search old ticket info.
Jorgi | CloudCom commented
I can't imagine how this got so big without this feature.
We went from atera+zendesk to only atera and what a nightmare it is to find anything. We've abandoned atera search and just hope outlook doesn't bug out when searching our mailboxes -_-